Carpet powder for fleas??


New member
Nov 28, 2013
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Waikato New Zealand
Male senegal - Stephen. Previously Barry - Male Barraband
Nelson - Male Eclectus
I have had huge issues this summer with my dogs and fleas. A few months ago i flea bombed the house, am constantly trying new flea products on dogs but cant seem to flick them!! I have got some powder to shake on the carpet (i brought a while ago but never got around to trying) but now im not 100% about using it with the birds... It doesnt say anything on the bottle about humans or pets staying off while it is on (leave on at least over night then vacuum off) so do you think it would be safe if i put it on (move birds well away from area), keep the house well ventilated and keep the birds away after until after a few good vacuums (i have a pretty good vacuum)...
Or should i just not bother and try another flea bomb?
I wouldn't use it. The act of vacuuming it up will cause the poison powder to go airborne and the stuff will land everywhere. It takes quite a few vacummings to get it all out of the carpet and you'll also have to clean it off of every surface in the room.
I concur with Megapixel - I wouldn't even try it.

Coincidentally, I had my pug at the vet (the same AV I take my birds too, who also treats other animals) for a check-up and asked the vet about flea control because I was having the same problem with my dogs. We've given the dogs Capstar, etc but had no success. The vet poo-poo'd these remedies and gave me Comfortis to give the dogs once a month. It kills the flees in 5 hours flat and controls fleas for a month afterward! Yup, I can confirm it works in five hours! I was thoroughly impressed. The vet warned me that the first two times the dogs take the pill they may be nauseated and they both did vomit a bit but nothing serious. I have a 7kg pug and a 45kg chow-cross and obviously I got different doses for them. It worked like a charm on them both. The pug lives indoors most of the time but even the chow, who is an outside dog, is still completely flea-free a week later. Here is a link to a page about the pills :

Comfortis Official FDA information, side effects and uses.

Luckily, we don't have problems with fleas in the house but the vet said that if we did, we'd have to remove our pets and get in professional exterminators. He has birds himself and said he wouldn't return them to the home after a professional extermination for at least two weeks.
I concur with Megapixel - I wouldn't even try it.

Coincidentally, I had my pug at the vet (the same AV I take my birds too, who also treats other animals) for a check-up and asked the vet about flea control because I was having the same problem with my dogs. We've given the dogs Capstar, etc but had no success. The vet poo-poo'd these remedies and gave me Comfortis to give the dogs once a month. It kills the flees in 5 hours flat and controls fleas for a month afterward! Yup, I can confirm it works in five hours! I was thoroughly impressed. The vet warned me that the first two times the dogs take the pill they may be nauseated and they both did vomit a bit but nothing serious. I have a 7kg pug and a 45kg chow-cross and obviously I got different doses for them. It worked like a charm on them both. The pug lives indoors most of the time but even the chow, who is an outside dog, is still completely flea-free a week later. Here is a link to a page about the pills :

Comfortis Official FDA information, side effects and uses.

Luckily, we don't have problems with fleas in the house but the vet said that if we did, we'd have to remove our pets and get in professional exterminators. He has birds himself and said he wouldn't return them to the home after a professional extermination for at least two weeks.

Thanks, my next step was to try the pills you can get. My dogs are constantly in and out of the troughs during this weather but i have heard recently that even though i keep them away from water for at least the recommended time with the pour on treatments because they are in the water so often it can cause it to become less effective. Its just been so frustrating!!!

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