Captive parrots who want to be free

I do not get the feeling my bird is wild caught or wants to fly free. She likes her cage (she will on go to it on her own). But I have to wonder if in the future she might want a mate. I do not know what I would do if that turned out to be the case. She know she is a bird and will start calling when she hears another bird.
I do wildlife rehabilitation for native song birds, and I can honestly tell you I've NEVER had a problem with "imprinting".

Here are some pictures of 2 Blue Jays I raised. They were cute as pie and VERY smart, however, they never "bonded" to me - they simply looked at me as a food source until I taught them to eat on their own. :)

Yes, they were outside once they attempted to fly :) They would stay in an enclosure during the night, but during the day they were out and about.

There is VERY little handling involved when raising wild birds, and it's quite a chore, too.
Well not sure if it was imprinting then, and I was very careful regarding any handling as the goal was to return to the wild, but it was clear to me this bird was tamer than I had hoped it would be and attached to me. I have rescued quite a few birds due to a feral cat colony in the area and have always released as soon as I could. The difference with this bird was that it was a lot younger than most of the others and I had to feed it longer which was the point that I was trying to make, just that as guardians taking on the care of our birds, we alter their lives. Again, just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure Bosley is wild caught due to his age, the rescue also told me that this was their belief.
I don't think he wants to be free, I think he might of wished he was never caught, but now......
He would be lost in the wild, unable to take care of himself, no warm dinner every night LOL
I do believe they dream of flying and a mate though, it's nature!
We all dream and they are complex intelligent creatures so they must.
I believe your situation is very unique because you own a native bird. So maybe seeing all the native birds might of drawn that thought?

However your bird is not a wild caught but a pet bird. Now do you take bird out for fresh air? Do you take your bird out for walks in the park?

I always notice a change in my birds after they have been outside. They seem more vocal and happy. Peace be to you.

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