Can You Have A Conure While In School?

I'm 13 and have a green cheek I don't go out ever and spend all my free time around the bird. It depends on the person.
I'm 13 and have a green cheek I don't go out ever and spend all my free time around the bird. It depends on the person.

Awesome dedication!!
agreed- just really important to remember that if you get one when you are a kid, it will still be alive when college rolls around, and that's when it gets really tricky
i personally think that you can have any parrot while at school depending on your situation and there is no one correct answer. some people such as myself had a family that was willing to look after my conure while i was at school but i understand that isn't the case for everyone. so basically like most things with parrots the answer is determined by your personal situation.


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