Can too much social interaction cause problems when alone? Second cage, different room


New member
Nov 27, 2024
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Hi all,

I had some great responses to my other thread about my feeling guilty that my bird is not with me 24/7. I work from home, so heā€™s in the office with me all day, either out of cage or in it. So about 8 hours of seeing me, interacting with me, or me being just by him.

Between 6:30pm and 9:30pm he is in there alone (with foraging toys, and radio; this is when I feel guilty leaving him!). On the weekends Iā€™ve taken to having him with me outdoors and around the house in pakobird (we have a cat so he canā€™t leave my office freely).

Iā€™ve just bought a second cage to have downstairs, so that he can join us on the weekends instead of staying in pakobird for hours.

However Iā€™m worried that this could lead to ā€œtoo muchā€ socialising, if thatā€™s possible? The last thing I want is for him to start screaming for contact again - and I worry that if he gets used to being in a busier room (instead of bird room alone), he will stop being able to be fully alone. As it is, he gets through his foraging toys more in minutes than in hours; am continuing to try other toys (bought and homemade) to see what might last longer.

I donā€™t know if during the evening he should then also join us downstairs, and on the weekends if he should regularly go back to the bird room just to calm down/be alone, in addition to when he will have to for his safety. And we are not home all day every day at the weekend - I greatly worry that if we are gone for a few hours or most of the day, he will then struggle even more to be alone.

What are others thoughts here? Iā€™m sure others have a multi-cage multi-room set up, or others with single birds who have managed these behavioural issues.
Our birds are so adaptive... I think the goal is consistency, as much as possible... lke, try not to go from 12 hours a day together to 2-3. Although, of course, that's what I did, over our decades together. I think I already snowed you with my checkered Rb life-story, so I daren't repeat...
Anyway, if you have to make a big change, try to work up to it gradually, I suppose.
I think my question is to whether I should change the routine at all! Iā€™m happy for him to be in a different cage on the weekends so that he can hang out with us more. But Iā€™m worried that if he has access to me and my attention all the working day, in addition to most of the evening, and then also more contact at the weekends, he could turn in to a Velcro bird or get behavioural issues during the inevitable times we are going to be gone for several hours.

As it is, he plays with toys less when Iā€™m not in the room with him, and his foraging toys are too easy to sustain him for hours on top of that.
With parrots, each is an individual, so what is OK with one may not be the same with another. You'll just have to try it and see, and revert back if he develops any bad habits. Likely he'll be OK.

Toys - if you know what kind he prefers, like baskety types, or ones with little pieces of wood or whatever, concentrate on those and be creative. My 'zon likes the basket type toys and will plow thru a new one in 1 day. So I found alternate sources of not parrot related products that are MUCH cheaper then pet store parrot only products, and he is a happy camper now. Just make sure any alternate products are safe, ie no chemicals used or bad materials.

Good luck!
With parrots, each is an individual, so what is OK with one may not be the same with another. You'll just have to try it and see, and revert back if he develops any bad habits. Likely he'll be OK.

Toys - if you know what kind he prefers, like baskety types, or ones with little pieces of wood or whatever, concentrate on those and be creative. My 'zon likes the basket type toys and will plow thru a new one in 1 day. So I found alternate sources of not parrot related products that are MUCH cheaper then pet store parrot only products, and he is a happy camper now. Just make sure any alternate products are safe, ie no chemicals used or bad materials.

Good luck!
I guess I donā€™t want to introduce evening time, and then have to take it away from him if it affects his behaviour negatively?

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