Can a "perch potato" learn to forage?

My vet recommended putting large (about the size of her head) plastic beads on top of her her food in her bowl so she will have to forage to get her food. She is still not crazy about toys but since she has started to swing and plays with her paper shreds destroy toys.
I was just about to say; start putting 95% of his FOOD in a foraging toy. That way, he has almost no choice BUT to start foraging. This could definitely encourage play. It certainly did for my Loki, who didn't seem to know how to play when I first brought him home.
You can cover his food with plastic/wooden beads, shredded paper, small paper balls/wads, etc. Once he gets the idea, you can start wrapping up food and treats in paper towel wrappers or similar (think, tootsie roll, only it's bird food instead of choclate!). You can even use mini-cupcape holders to stuff treats inside!

Get a dish and either fill it with sand or small pebbles. Mix food, toys and treats inside of it. Top with a few things and see if he'll forage through it.

Buy those bird kebab toys made out of yucca and stuff seeds/nuts into them! I did that for my own Charlie because he can't destroy "hard" woods like pine, but he can definitely chew on Yucca! They are kind of expensive for how quickly they can be destroyed, but sometimes, it's better than a toy they wont even touch!

Here's additional links on foraging, although I haven't checked to make sure that they are all working, so forgive me if some might be dead.

Foraging toys can be bought
Forage Toys for Parrots

Articles on foraging...
HolisticBird and HolisticBirds
Foraging for Parrots
Parrot Enrichment
Foraging Ahead
BirdBoard.Com - Parrot Message Board & Pet Bird Owner Forums
Kibibi's InfoSuperFlyway - Top Ten Favorite Parrot Foraging Toys

Below are some ideas for toys and toy making supplies!
Parrot Enrichment
Cheep Parrot Toys N Tips
Bird Toy Outlet
Birdy Boredom Busters
Birds Just Wanna Have Fun
Twin Leather Company
For the Love of Birds - For Birds Sake Toys
Nalani Toys
Parrotdise Perch
Talon Treasures
California Bird Nerds--Simple Joys and Safer Bird Toys
I knitted a foraging ball for my little green cheek who NEVER played with ANYTHING (ESPECIALLY preening and foraging toys) but his bell. Now it's his favorite thing in the world and he gets mad at me when it's empty. (What a horrible servant I am!)

It may just be a case of finding a toy that your bird really likes, rather than just laziness.

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