Can a love bird that is one year old be tamed?


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Jun 4, 2024
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I have an almost one-year-old Lovebird, but he has not been tamed yet because I could not spend time with him (early when I had bought him due to the lack of sufficient information on the websites of our country, I behaved unprincipledly with him)
But now I have enough time and I can spend time with him every anyone can help me?
It's hard to tame a bird that hasn't been hand reared, especially after a year.
You can try feeding him a treat from your hand, if that works maybe you can coax him to perch in your hand while he eats.
All the best
With enough patience, yes its possible. T-I-M-E is what you need. Start thinking like this - Everything is the fault of the human. Above all, think in terms of building trust with him, parrots are all about trust. Every action, reaction, gets looked at in this light. Did that build or break trust?

You will get there!
1 year is not too late!! There's no such thing as too late.

I do think that there are birds who have been mistreated who will never like to be handled. And lovebirds, being so small, are skittish in nature and will take more patience and training. I myself have a lovebird I rescued 4 or 5 years ago who still won't let me handle her, and maybe she never will, I don't know. But in your case--your lovebird is only a year old, and as long as you haven't been aggressive or violent with her in the past year, I think time and patience are all you need. Take things at her pace.

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