Can a Green Cheek Conure and a Quaker Parrot mix?


Sep 24, 2020
One Green Cheek Conure
Hi all. Many know me from my struggles with bonding initially with my GCC Jasper. He was in terrible physical and psychological shape when I got him. We are doing very well. We have the opportunity to take in a very sweet Quaker Parrot. We fostered another bird that was slightly bigger than that for awhile, and Jasper just went after that other bird. We didn't put them together but would keep them out in separate parts of the house. Jasper is obviously smaller than a Quaker so I know that he would be at risk. Jasper is 4 years old and the Quaker is 11 months old. What are your thoughts on having the two in a home together? Is it doable to have the two together (not in the same cage)? What are other owners' experiences with this? Thanks to you guys, I still have Jasper and want to do right by him.
seems like....

I dunno seems fine in my flock. Even budgies....
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I dunno seems fine in my flock. Even budgies....View attachment 60865
Thanks for the response. My vet said it depends on each bird. The place I board my bird said he thinks small conures and quakers can have a difficult relationship, and a friend of mine had her conure injured by her quaker when they were just preening each other and the quaker got annoyed. I also know people for whom it's an easy that's what I asked. You must really be doing something right that they all get along.
Well the conures I got just after they were weened so they were babies when it first started. They are the more agressive type of bird. I think it will be ok in the opposite but I can't predict the future.

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