

New member
Feb 8, 2010
Upstate NY
Blue and Gold Macaw & Cockatiel
I don't really know much about caiques. I've have no experience with them.

Are they noisy like conures? What are their personalities like? They such cute little things, they always look like they're wearing pajamas. Just too darn cute!
They really do look so cute and lovable.
The caiques have the most beautiful colouring.
Sure other members with caiques, with experience will assist you.
Take care, and that of our feathered friends !!!!:grey:
Hi Natalie! That picture knocks my sox off! I can't believe you let that big guy get on your shoulder like that! I am going to get Louis on my shoulder this week. That's my goal. I have had him for three months now, and I think I'm ready.

I am no expert on Caiques, as I have had a white bellied caique for only three months, but I will tell you a few things...

First they are so snuggly. It is amazing that a wild animal can nuzzle your fingers and hands and reach into your clothes and things like that. he is really sweet. They can be trained to do great little tricks that are just more cozy than other birds. I am working on Louis laying down flat on his back in my hands and flipping over on my fingers. I guess these things are probably child's play for all the pros here, but I am really proud of myself, because he lets me groom him now. He plays so much, and loves loves loves attention.

He is just so beautiful too. His color blocks seem different from other parrots and his small size is really endearing. Louis actually does talk a bit, but this is not common for Caiques I guess. He greets me by saying "Hey Babies" and he is learning some cool tricks, like he cat call whistles at me when he wants to take a shower. I guess it is hard to explain how that started happening! Haha.

Well, best wishes for those beautiful babies of yours, and thanks for the inspiration with that super boss photo of Holly!

Kind Regards,
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Elizabeth your bird sounds like a continuous comic 24/7
You are doing amazing things with your bird, considering you have only had him for 3 months. It is unbelievable. You should be so proud of yourself.

You quoted "I guess these things are probably child's play for all the pros here"
We all started exactly where you are now, time, patience and a lot of repetitiveness definitely pays off.

Keep up the great work ..... you go girl !!!!!
Thanks so much for the encouragement! I am just so lucky that I don't have to leave him here all day by himself. That is the real reason he likes it so much here, I think.

Anyway, for a mommy like me a little recognition goes a long way. Thanks again! :60: Hugs.

Maybe Louis is :orange: or :greenyellow: ? I am still trying to figure out what kinds of birds are what. I have seen about ten species in person now!
Hi Nat: I saw a couple of these birds brought in for my bird club meeting. You could not hear what was being said for their screeming. Of course this could have been stress. They are good lookin birdies for sure.
As far as I know (which is not very far on this topic, but here are my two cents) caiques can be loud, but certainly not more that conures; most caiques are a good bit quieter.

Caiques are known as the clowns of the parrot world and it is a title nearly every one of them earns on a daily basis. They love to play (also read as 'they need to play') and will keep you entertained all day.

They can be cuddly certainly - more so than some birds, but probably not quite as much as several conure species, but this is only because the conures are the cuddle bugs.

Beware though, that without sufficient interaction and socialization a caiques surplus of energy can turn nasty. Caiques are similar to birds such as greys in this regard: they *need* the interaction, training, and play.
One thing I did forget to mention that is obviously so important... It seems that Caiques like to be the only bird and the only pet in the house. That is definitely true for Louis. That is the reason why I have him. I should credit his previous owner for teaching him to talk and do tricks and things. My friend did a great job with him, but he WAS noisy all the time at his house. Also, Louis didn't mix in with his African Grey. I think this was mostly because of the African, but it's hard to say. He is really quiet at my house. I logged on, because I wanted to comment in the Caique forum what a great job he did at a party at our house with over 50 people. I am so proud of him! Not even one scream or alarm cry the whole day!
Thanks for the comment Litilchef. That is the second post I have read about Caiques desire to be the only bird/pet. I am researching to add a 2nd bird. I have a Cockatiel, 2 dogs, and kids. It makes me wonder if a green cheek conure would be a better fit?

Any info is welcomed.
The main thing with caiques is yes, they are very affectionate and playful, but there mood can change in an instant and it is very very important to be able to read this and get them in the cage and let them calm down.

Dont get me wrong. It isnt often that my bird gets angry, not at all, but when he does he just has to be left alone until he has chilled out. This is the main difference i have seen in owning this species. Cockatiels are a doddle compared.

I think its important to highlight this point as most people just read about the loving and fun part of them, which is probably 90% of their personalities, but the other 10% is just as important.

Dont let this put you off though, as with any bird they are all different and you will learn a lot about them and vice versa.
It is so nice to see someone else post about the "other side" of caiques....
Leroy can be moody from time to time but most of the time he is fun loving and likes to cuddle..
I am lucky in that he can talk really well for a caique. He is quiet most of the time but he does have scream that can drive you crazy when he gets going...although I don't think it is as loud as a conure.
I would own a whole house full of caiques now that I have owned one...there is nothing like them....might as well sell your tv if you decide to get one because they are very entertaining....
They can be VERY stubborn but if you stay on top of it, it shouldn't be a problem...the thing is not to spoil them to much when they are babies. I know thats easier said then done but they have to know how to play in their cage alone as well as being able to play with their human.
Caiques are HUGE in the beaky department....they to constantly rub their beaks on things and they love to nibble on fingers and can teach them to be gentle if they get to rough...also, they LOVE to surf....especially in hair and on wet towels... I couldn't love my Leroy any more then I already do.....Please, please, please do all the research you can before getting one....a great source for me was a forum dedicated to just the caique species...they helped me out a lot and I have been a member there for four years now....they understand the jekyl/hyde mood swings and all the fun sides of a caique as well....hope this helps.
Beaky is the correct term. As said playful friendly beaking is fine... anything too hard or over excitable gets jumped on and stopped. I usually get a growl and he refuses to get onto me if i stop him doing something he wants to do... this is when you cant give in. give in and he will think he has won and will do it all the time. I have even been prepared to take a bite to show i wont back down, thankfully it has never come to that, and he gives up!

He can be loud now and again when excited and playing with his toys and when i leave the room otherwise he is usually ok.
Do you ever get the famous piggy squeals when your caique is upset....those are funny
It is so nice to see someone else post about the "other side" of caiques....
Leroy can be moody from time to time but most of the time he is fun loving and likes to cuddle..
I am lucky in that he can talk really well for a caique. He is quiet most of the time but he does have scream that can drive you crazy when he gets going...although I don't think it is as loud as a conure.
I would own a whole house full of caiques now that I have owned one...there is nothing like them....might as well sell your tv if you decide to get one because they are very entertaining....
They can be VERY stubborn but if you stay on top of it, it shouldn't be a problem...the thing is not to spoil them to much when they are babies. I know thats easier said then done but they have to know how to play in their cage alone as well as being able to play with their human.
Caiques are HUGE in the beaky department....they to constantly rub their beaks on things and they love to nibble on fingers and can teach them to be gentle if they get to rough...also, they LOVE to surf....especially in hair and on wet towels... I couldn't love my Leroy any more than I already do.....Please, please, please do all the research you can before getting one....a great source for me was a forum dedicated to just the caique species...they helped me out a lot and I have been a member there for four years now....they understand the jekyl/hyde mood swings and all the fun sides of a caique as well....hope this helps.
Hi Kitt…

No idea if you’ll get this as the original post was 12 years ago, but I am looking to be a caique dad and you talked about not spoiling them too much at the beginning and how to train them to not bite hard, as well as a caique dedicated forum.

I don’t suppose you could point me in that direction or offer any advice to someone getting their first Caique?

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