
yeah, I think I'm leaning toward the pawhut one, although it's like 5cm less depth it has a lot more vertical space so more room to climb around, and the other one doesn't say it's specifically a bird cage and the bar spacing has me dubious, especially where I know the pawhut one is 1cm bar space which I assume is good for tiels?
I don't know anything about spacing for cockatiels. But one thing to know about the pawhut cage at least the one I have, is that the cage is attached to the base. It is a little harder to clean. But worth it if you can manage. It also came in small pieces with not so perfect picture instructions. I had to match each part to the pictures. I actually laid out all the little bits all over the floor and labeled them with sticky notes. It would have been easier to do with two people.
The only downside to a taller cage is that most parrots stick to the top of the cage and ignore the bottom unless you can place food bowls near the bottom. That way, they will use the whole cage :) .

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