cage suggestions


New member
Sep 10, 2024
hello! i’ve recently moved in temporarily with my grandmother and she has 2 indian ringnecks but they don’t seem very happy, i think their cage not being big enough for them and not having enough toys might have caused it so i wanted to ask, what size and shape cage would be good for two indian ring necks staying in the same cage? and what type of toys would be good to get to stimulate them? is there anything i should know as a first time caretaker? i’ve never owned parrots before this and any help would be appreciated !!
I'm not sure what kind of cage they'd need (The ringneck herders of the forum would be better at that info!), but I can help with toys.

Foot toys, things that can be shredded and noise-making toys are a lot of fun for most parrots. Foraging toys are a hit with my guys. I make homemade ones by taking a paper towel roll, cutting it in half, folding over the ends, and stuffing the roll with treats. The idea is that the bird has to destroy the roll to get to the treats. Try to stay away from mirrors (encourages aggression).

No smoking or scented candles should be around your bird. They can die within minutes of being exposed to such items. Even Teflon is dangerous and teflon is in everything these days. it's scary!

Food should be a mix of seeds, fresh veggies and pellets. The idea is that a balanced diet is key.

Those are the absolute basics. Others, I'm sure, will chime in with other facts :D . Congratulations on the new birds!
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thank you so much for the help!! i’m totally new so any and all advice is much appreciated !
hello! i’ve recently moved in temporarily with my grandmother and she has 2 indian ringnecks but they don’t seem very happy, i think their cage not being big enough for them and not having enough toys might have caused it so i wanted to ask, what size and shape cage would be good for two indian ring necks staying in the same cage? and what type of toys would be good to get to stimulate them? is there anything i should know as a first time caretaker? i’ve never owned parrots before this and any help would be appreciated !!
Hi, welcome to the forum, and thank you for looking out for the welfare of your grandmothers birds. Very thoughtful of you.
A good quality cage to get is a powder coated one that is big enough for them to stretch their wings. Get the largest one you can for the position you are going to put it. Width is more important than height as they can meander around the cage. Use natural perches not the wooden dowels that come with the cage.
Maybe something like this would be ok.

Toys can be hung in cage bars for them to chew and shred up using a quick link, try to get the ones that are NOT spring loaded. . I’ve bought 2 swings and my boy won’t go near them, he just loves a piece of rope hung from two points on the top to create a swing, a climbing rope net and a rope ball. I stuff pieces of almond into the twist of the rope.

You could get bell peppers and cut a few slots in it, fill those with bits of carrot and cucumber sticks and pumpkin seeds. And let them destroy it.

Best wishes in bringing some sunshine into their lives.
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