Cage Suggestions for a Destructive Sun Conure


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Blue and Gold Macaw - Wall-E

Sun Conure - Fawkes
image.jpgMy four year old little boy has decided that instead of chewing on and playing with his toys while we are at work, he is going to chew on and bend his cage bars. The cage we have for him was one the vet suggested. Does anyone have a suggestion for what type of cage would be a better fit? We are trying to curb the behavior with toys but I worry that he will get hurt.
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Agreed, post a picture.

I'm assuming the kind you currently have is the painted bars with a plastic bottom cage? That's the kind I used to have for Skittles. Recently, I invested in a powder-coat cage. They are MUCH more durable.
Have you tried giving him new toys he can happily chew? Something like bird kebabs where you can replace the wood he chews off easily. My youngest conure loves the toys she can break or chew apart. Pine cones are a good and cheap alternative if you have access to a tree and bake them first to make sure there are no creepy crawlies. Make sure the area has not been sprayed with pesticides or weedkillers. I hang a pinecone from a rope and it lasts a day if I'm lucky. they chew the rope up, drop the pinecone and then proceed to rip it to shreds.

Sometimes a simple rope knot toy works wonders and keeps the bird occupied for hours trying to chew it to pieces. Woven palm toys are good too for destructive birds, but you do have to replace them often as they are chewed up. Whiffle balls with shredded paper is another good toy.
Skittles goes through those bird kebabs in a day or so. They are so easy to destroy but fun for them.

I find that Skittles is more reactive to the 'texture' of objects than the type. He likes the feel of fabrics and he likes to feel of unsanded wood.
My 6 month old Sun is destructive too. I've found hiding her favorite dry treats in balls of paper towel that she can shred as well as those plastic baby link toys, and even one of those week day pill containers with fruit in them, to be her 'chew toys' while I'm away. Foraging is key! As far as cages the thicker/sturdier bars are better. I know Prevue Hndyrx(sp?) makes some sturdy cages. Just make sure it's the right spacing :)
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Thanks for all the great sugg suggestions! Foxy and I appreciate them. We are currently working on some new toy choices to keep him busy. So far strips of my old shirts pulled thru a wiffle ball has been a hit. We are trying a pine cone tomorrow and some hidden treats since I have a longer work day.
Just so you know, suns are destructive by nature. However, the more 'bored' they get, the more destructive they get. They may not necessarily take to any or all chew toys - it's trial and error. You have to find out what their particular fancy is and work with that.

There are chew toys I've gotten Skittles that he's never touched and some he destroys in a matter of hours or days.

Best thing to do is buy a 'variety' of toys and figure out which ones he takes to and which he doesn't.
I totally agree with Skittys Daddy, some toys my sun loves (whiffle ball bat with hanging measuring cups..go figure) and some she completely ignores. But since I have 6 inside birds there's bound to be one toy that someone likes.

A couple I have to replace all the time are a hemp net stuffed with tissue paper and big blocks of wood foot toys as a surprise once they chew thru the net and remove the paper (makes a HUGE mess) and a woven reed mat hanging from plastic chain on all 4 corners. My sun first removes most of the corners from the chain. It never lasts long but she swings like a maniac from it while it does last.

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