cage liner question


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Caret, VA
Kali-Catalina Macaw
Ok, this might seem like a crazy question but I am all about saving money and protecting the environment.
I saw bluehawk canvas liner in lowes that painters use. It is machine washable and reusable. I was thinking of using this for my cage liners. I could cut it to fit and replace it everyday. I could probably cut out 15 days worth and then do laundry after they are all used up. I know that the dirty sheets could not be kept Inside because of the smell, ammonia, bacterial, and mold. I would store them outside until laundry day. I also have a separate washing machine that id use to wash them.

Any thoughts on this? Or am I crazy for thinking it up?
I'm not sure I'd want to do laundry at your place...

I still use good old fashioned newspaper.
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Like I said, I have two machines so it wouldn't be in with my everyday clothes. One washer is in my house and the other is in the garage. I know its a crazy amount of extra work. I just hate the idea of going through so much paper.

Im not even sure if it will work because of the food particals that would get stuck. Its probably not gonna work out but I have heard of it being done. I will most likely try to think up another alternative.
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