Cage free Macaw

What is the biggest cage opening I can get away with? Would 2"x4" be to big? I have a friend who powder coats and we are playing with the idea of a 8' tall x 3' deep x 5' long cage.

That's fine for a opening!!! If you can make it taller then 4' it would be even better. Easier to just walk inside to clean!!!!

I am talking about wire opening. The door will be at least 6'!
Oh 2"x4" would be fine....I'm blind reading ft instead of
Great! This cage will be huge! I cant wait to get started. I just need to make sure it can be taken apart, it will not fit through the door!
If a bird has been cage free for 25 years and going to have a cage for "security", doesn't make sense. Its playstand is its security. I don't see how making a bird who has been cagefree for 25years to a caged environment suppose to make it feel secure.

If you are getting him, I'd suggest keeping him cage free as that's what he likes and is used to.

You can build him more playstands so he has more freedom of choice and movement. That would be awesome!
His play stand will fit inside. This will give him more of a 3D world to climb and swing from, more areas for toys and peace of mind for me that he will not get scared and come off his stand with no way back up.
I'm wondering the same things as U2gal says in her post. W

What if the Macaw hates the cage and you now have this giant cage? It sounds like he needs to be set up in your home without a cage and be observed cautiously. Is that possible? If so, then you could try out a cage as long as you would still be able to have him in your home if switching to a cage doesn't work out for his mental or physical health?

Who knows, it is possible a cage will help him adjust to a new home by giving him a place to go inside of if he feels frightened - but hopefully it would be his option to choose.

It's very exciting to bring a Macaw home that sounds so well adjusted and socialized and well behaved too.

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