Cage for Bingo


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I finally found a cage that I think will work for Bingo when visiting my Father.
It’s 2”X2” square and 4“ high. A little small for a bird his size but.
A Bingo is not a very active bird.
B It would only be for a few weeks at a time.
Bar spacing and diameter is close/kinda small. Cage is really meant for Cockatiels/Conures.
I think this is a plus in this instance. My father has a cat and have no idea what his reaction will be.
narrow bar spacing should keep cat from “fishing for birds” between the bars.
I can take & upload a picture a little later.

I need to add perches and toys. I hope to go out looking for stuff tomorrow.

1 question.
the trip from home to Father’s house is 11.5 hours minimum.
I had been assuming I would use the pac o bird for transport and let Bingo out of the carrier for some of the tim.
But I am thinking that the smaller “transfer cage” I have would be more comfortable for him, more room to move around in.
Can’t show or give dimensions on the cage but it’s about double the width of the pac o bird.
Bingo’s home away from home.
need perches and stuff.
That looks a bunch bigger then a 2 x 2 x 4 more likely a 3 x 3 x 5+.

Love the view and I am fair sure that Bingo will as well.

Looks like a winner there, good friend!

I have had zero luck with our Amazons and long trips and being in a carrier. Likely because we have had travelers that wanted to be part of the driving experience and while providing direction, they would also yell at the other drivers. Makes for a fun trip.
I only brought the cage into the house at my Fathers insistence to find a place to set the cage.

After finding the present location I spent the evening looking at the cage in the corner. It gave me a happy feeling looking at the cage and imagining Bingo sitting there looking outside. Being able to bring Bingo along with me has been a goal of mine for a long time
Eventually my Father looks over at me and says "the longer I look at that cage the uglier it gets".

I was flabbergasted. I was speechless.
How can two people look at the same inanimate object and have such different viewpoints.
If he doesn't like it empty how is he going to like it with perches and toys and a bird that can scream.

We are trying to come up with a way for my wife and I to be able to move up here. The property is suppose to be mine in the will.
But my Father seems to expect me to " drop everything" and come up there with just the close on my/our backs.
If he can't stand 1 empty cage sitting in his Livingroom......
We are trying to get a contractor out here to look at 2 outbuildings that could be made into medical hardship lodging.

The closer building is a combination single care garage, wash room with a fruit room (heavily insulated room for keeping preserved home canned food) .
2nd building is a huge garage/workshop. This building my be to far away to be leagle as a medical hardship housing.

I am afraid I may be forced to make a hard decision.
I don't think my Father will like the side I come down on.

I have been coming up to this property since I was 5 years old.
I have known almost as long I wanted to be able to live up here in Retirment. And I have known that his living trust is set up for me to receive it.

But it's NOT FAIR to ask me to "drop everything" so I can sit next to him a work the TV remote cuz he no longer can.
His wife (my stepmother) has the job. She signed up when she said "I do".
I know she needs help. I sympathize. She can't leave the house for more than 20 min. without my Father forgetting where she went and when she is coming back. He starts panicking.
But.... what my stepmother most wants is to be free to go out to parties with her friends. she doesn't wont to be tied down to staying in the house. She is a real social butterfly (or mosquito) and Facebook was made with her in mind.

Sorry I did not intend for this to be a rant.
Oh gosh I'm sorry - I had the same lovely thoughts as you seeing the photo of that cage, so that just have been a real shocker to hear from your father.

I'm getting closer to the same stage with my parents and it's not easy, that's for sure. There aren't really any solutions that feel good for everybody involved so sometimes you do have to make the rough choice that you know will be the right one for the long term.
What I would like to do is use the door just in front of the cage (and opens up to the deck) as an access point for an aviary on the deck. There are 2 doors that access the deck opposite each other. Only really need one.

I think it would be spectacular give adequate safety precautions.
Have been there and survived a bit worst for the wear, but happy that I did it. I knew that my brothers would sit back and do little or nothing as they had pretty much been doing that for decades.

You should get a copy of the Legal Document and read it with understanding as what people say and what is in the document can be very different! It is critical that you read the legal document before you do anything!!

It is likely that the cage has no meaning for your father as it likely serves no purpose as it sits there empty in a space that had always been open.
This is a lot on your plate. I agree such a lovely place for a cafe and amazing view.

Do Remember some of it is from brain function issues. I've witnessed other dealing with dementia and seen their loved one start lashing out. Unfortunately my own father has started down this road. When I visit tge same questions get asked over and over sometimes as soon as you've just finished answering. He is completely unaware. And any attempts to discuss leas to paranoia and anger.

You have all my sympathy. I pray for your strength and grace in dealing with this. Remember to keep taking care of yourself along the way. Your life has equal value and importance.
I know it's his illness that is causing most of the troubles.
I try to remind myself of that several times a day.
no time to do any update right now.

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