Bye Bye Sundance-


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
no she didn't die, or have an accident:rolleyes:---THANK GOODNESS!

I am retiring her from breeding,and I have found a new home for her... she's older --around 10 I guess, she's not banded so it's anyones guess.

She has been an amazing mother and mate to Dexter.....Sundance is Num Num and Angus mother.

I am currently feeding 3 of their chicks, and are keeping the youngest one....she's so pretty, and will be a cinnamon Lutino, just like her mom.

One of my past customers has bought the oldest chick, and I offered Sundance to her for free. I thought it was a great opportunity for Sundance to go to a great home, along with one of her chicks, so they'll both have each other for company. my customer lives in town here, so I get a chance to visit her:D

If your wondering why I am not keeping Sundance, it's quite complicated. it's been a very long process trying to decide whether or not to keep her here or find a good home for her. this has been a very tough decision, but I know I made the right choice.
I cannot keep her in the bedroom with Dexter(her mate, and dad to the chicks, Num Num and Angus)

he will never bond with another female as long as she is in the same room.

I can't put her in the bird room, I don't have any more room. I considered buying a english budgie as a companion, but I just don't want to increase with more birds, and add more cages....I never want to go down that path ever again....due to Safari's death... I am committed to sticking to the same amount of cages, never adding one more.

Sundance is being picked up on Saturday, it's really amazing how attached I've become to her. She is not tame in the least, never held her or even got the chance to, she has been the best attentive mother, one could ask for(even though she did pluck with her later clutches)

I just wanted to give her a proper send off and let everyone know what a great bird she has been, if there were another way I would keep her, I'm really going to miss her:(

clean break from here is the only way she will forget about Dexter. she's been a solitude bird right from the start, never bonding with any of the other birds, even her previous owner said she was the same. I HATE separating them!!!

I can no longer keep her with dexter, he just wants to mate with her all the time, and she is getting on in years, so it's time to say good-bye.

my Pretty Sundance-she's a large girl 100g+
She's so pretty!!!! All my girls still have awhile to go yet. At least you'll be able to visit her.
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yeah, I know, it's just hard saying of all people would understand.
Please Beth, you ought to put in the title "tissues needed" because my eyes are sweating over here now.

That is THE sweetest write-up and message I've read in a long, long time. :)

You are SO good for your birdies and WITH your birdies! Hats off to you!! I know you will miss that pretty mama, but you are doing what's best for everyone.

So happy you were able to find her a good home, and with one of her chicks! I admire you so much for being able to do the right thing for your birds, even when it hurts you so:(
A wonderful send off for Sundance.
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thanks Wendy- I had to keep stopping cause my eyes were sweating too, just like they are right now...and thanks for the kind comments.
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thanks Terry, and yes it's a terrible decision I've had to come to terms with, and I must say not an easy one by any means....but I love her and want what is best for her. Poor Dexter, he loves her so(it's like a soap opera ;)

the day Sundance is to leave I'll remove Dexter and put him in the bird room temporarily just until Sundance is gone...then I'll put Dexter in with my other cockatiels back in our he'll be distracted being in a new environment, rather than focusing on Sundance missing....all very stressful but necessary.
Aw, what a story. Really good you found a home for her. I've taken in retired breeders and found them quite entertaining.
Phew! The post heading gave me a fright!

You are doing what is best for her. It will be hard but you will have the comfort of knowing that she's in a good home and loved. What a lucky girl! I wish I was going into restful retirement like Sundance ;)
she's so beautiful I know how hard it must be on you to give her up but thats awesome your friend is getting her!!!
You had me in tears !!!!!
Sundance sure is a special bird
I salute you the way you go about caring for all your birds
You are definitely doing what is best for Sundance.

Wishing her a wonderful retirement
It sounds like you really made the best decision for her. Even though it hurts and makes you sad, you put her needs before your own, and that's the sign of a great pet owner. I'm so glad she'll be going to a good, caring home.

Judging by the picture, you took great care of her! She looks beautiful and in excellent health!
Sundance is beautiful! Good for you for doing what is best! I am sad for you, but happy for little Sundance and I am glad that she will still be close by for you to visit.

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