Bumble-ing Along

Spending the night at my sister's so Bumble and I are sharing a room. I'm laying here in the dark listening to her skrackling her beak...it's like a birdy lullaby. 🥰
Spending the night at my sister's so Bumble and I are sharing a room. I'm laying here in the dark listening to her skrackling her beak...it's like a birdy lullaby. 🥰
Hardly a nicer sound in the world. Nitey nite, @Inger and Bumble😘 😘
There is no question that the sounds of a Happy Bird is true joy!
A very belated, but Very Happy, Hatch Day, Bumble!!
Know you enjoyed your day!!
She thanks you kindly for your good wishes, my friend.
This morning I watched Bumble hang upside down from her boing for ages. Not doing anything. Just chilling, looking around. I got about 36 seconds of it on video, but I won't bore you with it. The only action is that at one point she slides over, gives the bell a little bonk, and then continues hanging.

Here's a picture I screen grabbed.
This morning I watched Bumble hang upside down from her boing for ages. Not doing anything. Just chilling, looking around. I got about 36 seconds of it on video, but I won't bore you with it. The only action is that at one point she slides over, gives the bell a little bonk, and then continues hanging.

Here's a picture I screen grabbed. View attachment 58396
Maybe she's doing what I do when I get onto my inversion table and stretching out her spine?! Great for the back and it feels awesome to have a good stretch!!
Maybe she's doing what I do when I get onto my inversion table and stretching out her spine?! Great for the back and it feels awesome to have a good stretch!!
Oh yeah that makes sense! Maybe I should join her in upside-down time. 😂
In July, my whole family took a 7-day Alaska cruise followed by a 4-day land package. We had a great time! Bumble stayed at her "Auntie Melissa's" house. We met Melissa through Bum's instagram account-she's also had parrotlets (all passed now and she's not ready for a new one) and Bumble and I have spent a fair amount of time with her so I didn't spend a single minute worried about her, even though it's the longest we've ever been apart.

She was sooo glad to see me when I got home (and vice versa), and even though I'd been telling her for weeks that I was going and how long I'd be gone, she was a little spicier than usual the first few days I was back.

Next up - next month the two of us go to Seattle for a week. My kid is getting married 🤩 and we'll stay with my BFF (and her bird's who all love having Bumble join the flock now and again).

Here's Bumble hanging out with Auntie M while I was cruising. Their feathers match 😂
Clearly, Bumble is assuring that blue becomes a common choice where friends are involved.

As always, thank you, for a Bumble moment!
She used to be highly offended by/terrified of that shade of blue, which was awkward since it was one of my favorite colors. I wasn't allowed to wear it for probably the first year or two I had her!
In July, my whole family took a 7-day Alaska cruise followed by a 4-day land package. We had a great time! Bumble stayed at her "Auntie Melissa's" house. We met Melissa through Bum's instagram account-she's also had parrotlets (all passed now and she's not ready for a new one) and Bumble and I have spent a fair amount of time with her so I didn't spend a single minute worried about her, even though it's the longest we've ever been apart.

She was sooo glad to see me when I got home (and vice versa), and even though I'd been telling her for weeks that I was going and how long I'd be gone, she was a little spicier than usual the first few days I was back.

Next up - next month the two of us go to Seattle for a week. My kid is getting married 🤩 and we'll stay with my BFF (and her bird's who all love having Bumble join the flock now and again).

Here's Bumble hanging out with Auntie M while I was cruising. Their feathers match 😂View attachment 60498
Bumble? Spicy? I find that very hard to believe! ;)

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