Budgies of Nino

White one looks to be lutino, blue is a cobalt mutation, I know very basic mutation info, but to me that's what it looks like, they at least carry those traits. It's quite possible they could be split to other mutations, or there may be more to the mutation that I see, but at bare minimum it's probably safe to say those are part of their genes.
Am not asking for breeding purpose. I asked to gather my knowledge regarding mutations. If anyone can help me through mutations of these two please help.thank you.

You have rapidly acquired three male female pairs. Your interest seems only in color, and myself and others have given you links to color mutations, my link even included much detail for breeding for colors. Obviously you are interested in breeding, which is fine. How else would we all have birds. My concern about those last birds looking very thin, less than bright, and squinty eyed, you disregarded. They have most likely been over bred. That worries me. Myself and most others here promote the health and we'll being of these beautiful little birds.
Look at the difference in weight and feather quality, I use my pet Cloudy as a reference for you
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White one looks to be lutino, blue is a cobalt mutation, I know very basic mutation info, but to me that's what it looks like, they at least carry those traits. It's quite possible they could be split to other mutations, or there may be more to the mutation that I see, but at bare minimum it's probably safe to say those are part of their genes.
1. Lutino mutation is yellow not white
2. Lutino has red eyes not black
3. Spilts aren't visible

People often make a common mistake with understanding the word "mutation". I understand a question "What mutation is it?" 'cause it's easier to say it but in case of budgies the most often they are a combination of few mutations. For example "cobalt" isn't a mutation but combination of blue and darkgreen (aka sf dark) mutations. I'm just trying to explain what exactly that means.

Coming back to the last two photos - the first one I have no idea, the second maybe something like "cobalt df violet opaline sf spangle"? But I'm not sure. I have skyblue opaline sf spangle parakeet - that means only hue of blue color should be other but that's not all. Maybe instead of opaline is another mutation in yours (or maybe another "verson" of opaline?:confused:)

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