Budgie keeps lifting one leg up


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Sep 22, 2015
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Hi, for the past few days I can see she keeps lifting her right leg up in the air. She keeps it only slightly higher so it's not touching anything and her toes are open. I can see she's slightly bent over to her left side keeping her weight there. For the past year she's actually been laying eggs (she's alone) and she's about 10 years old. Could she have arthritis? There don't seem to be any cuts or anything else on her leg but I'm really worried and I don't want her to be in pain. Is there something I can do for her?
you should have a look on the bottom of her feet as she could have a condition known as bumble foot. Bumble foot is caused by alack of different sized perches in the cage so the bird only gets ware on certain parts of it's feet. If you wan't to read more on bumble foot i will leave a link. I would recommend that you go visit a vet who can accurately determine the problem. Anyway i hope she gets better soon, good luck. :D

Bumble Foot: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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