Brown bird with turquiose head and chest


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Can someone identify that for me? I'm pretty sure it was in the poicephelus family, but wasn't sure on the species. I saw it at the vet's office yesterday. Very friendly little hen although Pete was scared of it. When I told one of the vet assistants it was scaring him she remarked, "Oh really? She's one of our friendliest birds!" She was surprised he liked the Quaker who was stalking me instead. I said I think because the Quaker is green and looks more familiar to him than the other one does. But, now I'm curious as to what the species was. I first called it a Senegal and then a Meyer's, but actually I don't think it was either one.
What an odd sounding birdie! :) No chance of a photo?

Not sure if this might help, but here is the meyri/meyers subspecies with examples. Maybe it was a Ruppell's parrot?
Sorry about the taxonomy thing, it's not pretty to look at, but it's the best for a comparison between subspecies.

I've seen some meyers more blue/turquoise in colour then others too. Their seems to be a lot of regional variation in them. :) I think these two are from Tanzania

Was it a cape parrot? i think they are the largest in the same family as senegals. im on my cell so i dont even want to attempt to try to spell it haha.
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No, it wasn't any of those. But, that Pionus sure was pretty. I can't find anything on the internet that looks like it. I will have to ask next time I'm there.
the only bird I can think of that looks like that is a bronze winged pionus but that has already been mentioned, a pic would be very helpful.
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what about a red belly?


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I'm at the point where I think it must be some kind of mutation or even a hybrid. When Merlin and Pete go in for their check up I will take a picture of it and ask what it is.

The turquoise part is not a bright color blue. Maybe it's not a Poicephelus, but it has that sort of shape and size that made me think it was.
Only other ones I can think of are non Poi shaped. Like you said, maybe he/she is a colour mutation? :)


Duyvenboe lory?


Hooded parrot?


Blue bonnets?

None of these are common in captivity. I've never seen a duyvenboe out of a zoo. the other two you do see around Aus aviaries occasionally though. :)
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Whatever it was, I had never seen it before. And I am pretty much up on my species at least as far as identification goes. Yes, I tried searching on the 'net to figure it out, and didn't see anything like it.

I guess I'll just have to ask. She was very friendly and kept coming into the exam room to visit. At one point though she landed on top of Pete's carrier and scared the heck out of him. But, he was showing fear of her wherever she happened to go in the room. They were surprised he was scared of her, but I don't think he's ever seen anything like that before (and obviously neither have I!). The crazy little Quaker was green and I think that was familiar to him. He was laughing actually that the Quaker kept attacking my shoes.
It sounds to me like a variety of Meyer's Parrot. Did it look at all like this?

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I thought it was a Meyer's mutation as well. That's closer on the turquoise color. The only colors on it I remember seeing are the turquoise head and breast and a brown body. I did not notice any other color.
When do you go back to the vet? I think we all are dying to know now. lol :)
I thought it was a Meyer's mutation as well. That's closer on the turquoise color. The only colors on it I remember seeing are the turquoise head and breast and a brown body. I did not notice any other color.

Perhaps it was a young bird and the yellow hadn't come in yet?
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The Ruples parrot isn't quite right either, but it's that size and shape. I know, I know! I want to know what it is, too!

Merlin is due back next Friday, but Pete would be more like Monday. So it will be one of those two days. I'm dreading taking Pete back though. He is still holding a bit of a grudge on me for the first visit!
Poor Pete its gona take allot of sunflowers seeds to cheer him up! XP I'm sure you will find out somehow, maybe you could just coincidentally "drop in" on Monday, you know a "oh what a suprise seeing you here" sorta thing and ask the owner ;)

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