KOMOMAN, I am new to the forum and also a new Macaw owner. Just a mini, Hahns Macaw. I don't want to hijack Goldie's thread but maybe it is something that can help us both out, being she is also a new Macaw owner. When I bought my baby, just about three weeks ago I was told that most of a Macaws diet would be nuts, due to them needing a fatty diet. They gave me something called Ultimate blend, which has no seed in it. Looks like a mix of dried fruits,veggies and non colored pellets and pistachios. Along with it, theyngave me Asian Mix which has to be cooked and a small container of mixed nuts, basically every kind of nut their is. I was told that most of their diet would be nuts due to their needing a higher fat content? I am reading your post and you seem to have a different prospective. Can you give me a good menu for my Hahns? Such as what type of food blend tou feed. Right now with Hahnna, she is on three hand feedings a day, probably could be weaned down to two bit I do not believe i. Force weaning. She is eating well, but cannot crack shells open yet. i give her the Ultimate blend that the bird store gave me, along with nuts, and I also bought a ton of mixtures they had such as cranberries, cherries, (all dried) and yogurt drops which look kind of like a vanilla chip you would use in cookies, and dried string beans, kiwwi which she loves. Apples which she is not thrilled with, and a lot of other mixes I bought there. Plus I also cook fresh veggies, corn which she,loves, broccoli which not so much cares for, along with beans (i use 16 bean goya) now the beans i was told are not too good for,them that I need to watch her protein with them, and I also give her fresh carrots, pineapple, grapes and apples. Any advice? I am very new to Macaws. I also have an appointment with an Avian vet, could not get her in until the 7th. She has a slight weazing, bit eats fine and plays. I had her back to where I bought her and they said she was fine, and that it was the change of environment, but I don't know that did not sound right to me. If it gets worse I will brong her to an emergency vet but not many handle avian. I read to use steam so I boiled water and after, took it off the stove and held her over it, high enough away bit close enough to get the steam effect. It seems like one nostril is clogged then she sneazed and a little water bubble came out. i am very bondd with her already and would be crushed if anything happened to her. Thanks for any input and I am sorry if I hijacked your thread Goldie.