Bringing home a rescue Cockatoo


Nov 13, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Tonight I will be bringing home an old cockatoo from a shelter that is unfamiliar with parrots and not equipped to handle birds. From what I know, it was an inherited U2 and was givin to someone who has other parrots. This person didnt want him and dropped him off at the shelter... literally. He is fully plucked in front and back. He is very dirty and covered in his powder. I went to see him last night and after few minutes he was snuggling with me. I feel really bad for this bird ... he is approx 50 yrs olf (??) very social and active. He needs a good bath and some food and love. I am not familiar with U2 except for what I have read. For a parrot know to be a velcro bird, he(?) seems to be very open to go to anyone that pays attention to him.

My reason to post here is for advice and tips. I am going to take him home, make him comfortable tonight. Tomorrow he will get a shower and some treats and time out of his cage (not sure if this is an appropriate cage). I got some treats, food and perches for his empty cage. If there is anything you guys think will help, please let me know and I am open to trying it.

Luckily the vet I go to for my dogs and cats is also an avian vet and I hope to bring him in for a check up next week.

Thanks again
I just want to tell you is that when you get the bird give it some time to get used to the environment . I think 4 days might be enough, during this don't take the bird out, maybe give treats in the cage but give him time to settle
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Thanks for the tip. Do you think its okay to give him a shower? He is really dirty and his skin looks dry and irritated. When I held him, he snuggled and left a lot of dust. I just want him to feel comfortable.
Sure, you could give him a shower. Lots of birds like one type of bathing then the other like misting,large bird bath, showers ...
With my greys, I took it one step at a time. First I trickled water on them, then sprayed them on their cage. Once they were comfortable with me I put them on a perch in the shower. I have a glass door, so I put a sheet over it so they wouldn't try to fly out. I started spraying them after a week (they weren't used to being handled at all!) and I waited for them to learn to step up on a perch before taking them to the shower.
Velcro birds does not equal one person birds! Velcro simply means that they tend to be very dependent on human interaction for their entertainment! I've met many cockatoos who will happily step up for a stranger and receive cuddling and scritches! And the cockatoos just soak it all up! The cockatoos who don't readily enjoy this are typically those that tend to be more independent as a species, or those who are afraid of new things.

When you get this 'too home, judge by his behavior what he wants! If he wants interaction from day one, then give it to him! If he's unsettled by the changes, then give him a few days to settle in!

As far as bathing, you might try bathing via a spray bottle or plant mister (some birds freak out at the sight of a spray bottle but are fine with a plant mister), by taking him into the shower with luke-warm to cold water, in the sink/tub with several inches of water, or even using a large deep pan/container for it! Try to figure out what your 'too enjoys!

If you can, get him to the a-vet sooner rather than later! And get him started on a healthy diet with a base diet of pellets and some nuts! Maybe add in some sprouted seeds, too! Fresh vegetables, some fruits, healthy grains and legumes are also quite important! And the occasional cooked egg!
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Thanks everyone. I have him at home. He is a sulfur crested? Cockatoo. He is already eating while the dogs and cats are keeping an eye on him. He is whistling and relaxing
Photos would help!

Good to hear he's eating!
Thank you for bringing a bird home who obviously needs help. Just thought I'd throw that out. :)
While I agree with others that its good to let him settle in, I also agree with Monica. This guy is obviously liking the attention and no point in denying him that for 4 days if he obviously wants to interact. Play it by how he is behaving and all should be good.
Ok here I go about Cockatoos, U2 mainly since that's what you've brought home. Yes you can give him a shower now IF he don't mind the shower, mine HATES IT!!! But he adjusted to a spray bottle which he loves. IF he's coming to you already, there's absolutely no need to wait 4 days letting him settle in his cage! ALL the birds I brought home, I work with them from day 1.

Ok now those parts are explained, they can be very much a loving bird. YES they will go to people to get attention, BUT once you bring them home they can start to change on you very quickly! Within a month after bring Java home he tries to run me over by being demanding. When he doesn't get what he wants, he bites and I mean hard bites to draw blood. At first it was minor bites that just bruises. Then he goes for the hard bite when he constantly get denied. He wants to be by my face, that is a big no no as I don't allow any big bird near my face. He got angry and started attacking. A local friend of mine who owns U2 and M2 recently posted pictures of her wounds of being attacked by her Cockatoos, she had it everywhere....I told her to be careful cause quite a few of them are near her head as she allows them on her shoulders. You MUST keep an watchful eye! Never under estimate what they're doing as their sweetness is to lure you in and then the demanding part can start. Java was the sweetest bird as he cuddles with me from day one then he did a 360 on me. He's nothing like my Dixie, our LSC too who is a sweetheart! But she had her moment years ago when we first got her but nothing like Java. I can go on and on with more bite stories where a lot of them give up all their Cockatoos because of it....There's a reason why so many of them end up in rescues so people need to be aware about not buying them from breeders so they would stop breeding more as I know a lot of breeders are starting to back off on U2 and M2.
By the way, to upload pictures you can upload them into places such as photobucket then copy the direct link and click the little picture button as it highlights up saying insert picture, click it and paste the link on there and it will upload the image on here. Like here a picture of my U2 Java.

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Thanks for the tips. I will try to upload some photos. Its a sulfur crested and not an U2. I tried uploading to the general photos area
watch out for any scabs you may have, no matter how small or almost healed. My son's Too will pick any scab off she can possibly find. I thought the small scab on the top of my hand was healed, but she picked it open before I even knew what she was doing. She will also try to pick at a mole. None of our other birds do this except the Too
Congratulations on your newly adopted Sulfur Crested! I have a friend with two M2's. One of them is a rescued plucker. Besides an awesome diet she mists her daily with a little Vitamin E in the water and it has made an amazing difference! :)
Thanks for the tips. I will try to upload some photos. Its a sulfur crested and not an U2. I tried uploading to the general photos area

In your post you said inherited U2. What type of Sulphur Crested? My Dixie is a Lesser.
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Thanks - i used to have a plucked macaw and there was some stuff I had ordered that smelled really nice but that was supposed to be the best thing to promote feather growth. I have to find it again. I used a spray bottle and he tolerated it so I will do it a little bit couple of times. I had a heater on for him and had blankets around his cage to keep him warm
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Thanks for the tips. I will try to upload some photos. Its a sulfur crested and not an U2. I tried uploading to the general photos area

In your post you said inherited U2. What type of Sulphur Crested? My Dixie is a Lesser.

I didn't inherit the bird. The shelter that I had called regarding a cage had this bird and didnt know anything about him or how to care for him. They asked if I would take him. As for the type I dont know except that he has a yellow crest on his head, and some yellow in his wings and tail feathers.

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