Breeder Tried to Sell White-Fronted Amazon as Different Species


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Mar 7, 2025
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I guess this is a little update on trying to find a reputable breeder. Just contacted a breeder who had very clear videos of Vinaceous Amazon babies on Facebook, only for him to send me a video of White-fronted Amazon babies privately? He even doubled-down and insisted "they are all the same, no worries." Sigh...guess my search continues. Definitely going to rely more on expos and bird stores in the future. Who let these people become breeders?
This is still as a revelation today as years ago. Maybe more so!. It goes contrary to what 'bona-fide' breeders etc insist on. Irregardless of their reasoning. Also discovered that a few send money sights are just that. So if you don't get your bird or additional costs added you're out of luck. Those sites were to send money only to known family, friends etc. I did find a way to help locate parrot scam sites. Type in a pharse, picture request to see how many hits you get. While scamming individuals are good with site organizing. They aren't creative. So they go with what works. If you see something like this; PeOple, it's scamming potential needs to be red flagged. Chances are there's a legitimate company with that name and legitimate endeavors. On the surface this scam looks legit, a typo. It can be an honest mistaken as such to avg person esp jurors. Also recommend strongly is see breeder and employees. If limited, excuses etc ignore. Remember to take screen shots, especially glaring wrong info and send to BBB, state animal welfare. Way back when, I got a pet store closed. I just got work and irritated for an extra stop after 50 hours in 3 days. Took a picture of a dead budgie with living others. I notified employee, manager and was told it was asleep. No, didn't tell them I had a CAG, and some knowledge of feathered individuals. Made extra stops, humane society, BBB office, reported to everyone I could find. The next day closed sign. Seems like excuses were being looked for closure. I didn't match mold their preferred customer. Blood shot eyes, hair standing on end, clothes splattered with bodily function products. I probably didn't smell good either! A normal dreaded Friday night-Monday morning trauma hospital ER weekend.
I agree with the above poster 100%. Another thought is that people who are breeding may have minimal experience with parrots. They may not know what kind of species, or the subspecies that they are dealing with. I still get confused with parrots I’m unfamiliar with. The b&g macaw, and the blue throat look very similar. The B&G macaws have green on their head, the blue throat has a bluish color below their beak that goes further into their chest area, and the blue throat also is a little smaller in size. Otherwise they pretty much look alike. I did a ton of research on b&g macaws as I adopted one to learn this. A new or inexperienced breeder may not know the difference.
I agree with the above poster 100%. Another thought is that people who are breeding may have minimal experience with parrots. They may not know what kind of species, or the subspecies that they are dealing with. I still get confused with parrots I’m unfamiliar with. The b&g macaw, and the blue throat look very similar. The B&G macaws have green on their head, the blue throat has a bluish color below their beak that goes further into their chest area, and the blue throat also is a little smaller in size. Otherwise they pretty much look alike. I did a ton of research on b&g macaws as I adopted one to learn this. A new or inexperienced breeder may not know the difference.
Yeah, that's what I thought at first. Maybe he didn't know what species he was dealing with. But it got weirder when I asked for DNA sexing (he hadn't done it) and he continued to try to sell me the White-fronted while insisting that "one of the four" would definitely be female as long as I put down a deposit (how can you guarantee that? why would you want to?). I don't think he is a scammer of the variety rheashard2 described, but I do think he's "an experienced breeder of fifteen years" who is more interested in thrusting a bird on the customer more than anything else. Just weird vibes all along.
Online parrot, pet videos etc have emphasized the 'I want (no thought) pet industry'. How do people think you get a trained oet without the work? Yes I wanted. No questions about that. But I was looking for a talking, noise maker to replace my enlisting kid. One that chances of me going to jail for stuffing in a cage was minimal. Fortunately my vet was exotic, dog with specialty in avian. So I got a good foundation. Kinda influenced by some of my atypical fellow nursing students. Tarantula, gecko, hermit crab raising to name a few. Didn't realize how much work went into keeping hermit crabs healthy!
I guess this is a little update on trying to find a reputable breeder. Just contacted a breeder who had very clear videos of Vinaceous Amazon babies on Facebook, only for him to send me a video of White-fronted Amazon babies privately? He even doubled-down and insisted "they are all the same, no worries." Sigh...guess my search continues. Definitely going to rely more on expos and bird stores in the future. Who let these people become breeders?
The birds did, apparently! Good luck.
Yeah, that's what I thought at first. Maybe he didn't know what species he was dealing with. But it got weirder when I asked for DNA sexing (he hadn't done it) and he continued to try to sell me the White-fronted while insisting that "one of the four" would definitely be female as long as I put down a deposit (how can you guarantee that? why would you want to?). I don't think he is a scammer of the variety rheashard2 described, but I do think he's "an experienced breeder of fifteen years" who is more interested in thrusting a bird on the customer more than anything else. Just weird vibes all along.
That is very odd. I’ve only bought one of my parrots from a store. The rest I adopted. I’ve never dealt with a breeder. I’ve heard about scams, and I’ve read about them on here. Usually the person only posts once so I wasn’t sure if it was a real situation or not. I don’t even know how I’d react in your situation. I’d run away from anyone trying to push a parrot. Especially with the larger ones like Amazon’s. Parrots are so much work.
Online parrot, pet videos etc have emphasized the 'I want (no thought) pet industry'. How do people think you get a trained oet without the work? Yes I wanted. No questions about that. But I was looking for a talking, noise maker to replace my enlisting kid. One that chances of me going to jail for stuffing in a cage was minimal. Fortunately my vet was exotic, dog with specialty in avian. So I got a good foundation. Kinda influenced by some of my atypical fellow nursing students. Tarantula, gecko, hermit crab raising to name a few. Didn't realize how much work went into keeping hermit crabs healthy!
That's a great story! Hermit crabs are adorable, and I didn't realize they needed so much work either! Definitely got the vibe that the breeder's target audience are people who just want a bird and don't want to do the research. It probably works well for him, since most won't cause a fuss about sexing or the correct species as long as they get a parrot that looks similar to the thing they first saw online. He said he was "doing his best" to try to make things work with me and I said, "Thank you for trying your best." That was that. I'm glad you found your legally cageable talking noise maker!
That is very odd. I’ve only bought one of my parrots from a store. The rest I adopted. I’ve never dealt with a breeder. I’ve heard about scams, and I’ve read about them on here. Usually the person only posts once so I wasn’t sure if it was a real situation or not. I don’t even know how I’d react in your situation. I’d run away from anyone trying to push a parrot. Especially with the larger ones like Amazon’s. Parrots are so much work.
Yes, so odd. He couldn't understand why I wouldn't want the White-fronted babies, or in his words, the Vinaceous Amazon that has a "slight difference in beak color." I told him I'd pay for the sexing of the Vinaceous Amazon in the first video only, and his question was "Then what if those two birds turn out to be male?" Well obviously I wouldn't buy them then, but he was very upset by this. Apparently me not making a purchase is an even worse-case scenario than providing the wrong bird!
Yes, so odd. He couldn't understand why I wouldn't want the White-fronted babies, or in his words, the Vinaceous Amazon that has a "slight difference in beak color." I told him I'd pay for the sexing of the Vinaceous Amazon in the first video only, and his question was "Then what if those two birds turn out to be male?" Well obviously I wouldn't buy them then, but he was very upset by this. Apparently me not making a purchase is an even worse-case scenario than providing the wrong bird!
How much did he want for the birds he had? Baby Amazons of any species are in demand.
How much did he want for the birds he had? Baby Amazons of any species are in demand.
$850. I was 100% expecting (and willing to pay) much higher. In hindsight, this should have been a huge red flag for me, but I chalked it up to the breeder not keeping up with trends or being very knowledgeable. Now that I'm thinking about it more, I wonder why such a low price tag? Especially if, as he promised, the birds come with certification and health records. I know for sure he has the birds (or at least some amazons) so it's not a scam, but something fishy is definitely going on there.

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