After an exhilarating game of, "Pass the Bird" LaLa adding a new rule.
After the 3rd pass, she expressed her displeasure for this stupid game by biting the favorite human.
Following the rule of, "it's never the fault of the bird" I've decided to blame Sailboat for this catastrophe.
Maybe it was the fact that I announced Sailboat was the creator of this dumb game that led to my injury.
You see, it was Sailboat after all who posted, "birds should not have butter" some time ago.
Toast time was her favorite part of the day.
I don't think has forgiven him for that advice.
After the 3rd pass, she expressed her displeasure for this stupid game by biting the favorite human.
Following the rule of, "it's never the fault of the bird" I've decided to blame Sailboat for this catastrophe.
Maybe it was the fact that I announced Sailboat was the creator of this dumb game that led to my injury.
You see, it was Sailboat after all who posted, "birds should not have butter" some time ago.
Toast time was her favorite part of the day.
I don't think has forgiven him for that advice.