Brand new member with a brand new baby!


New member
May 11, 2020
Las Vegas
Doobie, a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure baby about 6 weeks old (on May 11, 2020)
Hi, I am birdiemama, a brand new member to this forum, and a brand new member to forums in general. In fact, this is my very first one so I apologize in advance for any clumsy mistakes until I get proficient!

A baby Pineapple conure is the newest member of my family which also includes a 4 year old little dog, a 3 year old cat and a chicken that is about 9 years old. We all live in the house and are very happy.

I am looking forward to exploring this forum and hopefully will be able to contribute positively. Thank you to the host of this forum place for making it available. Looking forward to belonging.
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birdiemama adendum!

Hi, its birdiemama again. I already posted an introductory new member post and have begun exploring the Conure forums. Very interesting. I read everything ConureLady posted and it was so very helpful. I wanted to post a thank you on that thread but couldn't figure out how! I am brand new to forums and am still learning how to do all this. I'm looking forward to being an active and contributing member.
Welcome to you and your menagerie! You'll find a lot of information previously posted. Have fun looking through the archives, feel free to post any questions!

PM sent to answer.
What Scott said. :) Welcome!
You notice their names are in purple where ours are blue AND under our names is a line of membership type. After 10 of your posts are made, we can PM among us. jh PS just basic info. jh
Welcome to you! Lots of great info and people here :).

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