This video was really encouraging to me. I hope I can grow to have the love and trust of my macaw she comes home.
You've got a baby. This one is starting out in life as a lap bird. All you have to do is NOT SCREW THAT UP...
Seriously. Baby macaws are soooo easy! Beak wrestle with the bird on your lap at that age, and teach her not to bite... and she'll have that down within a matter of hours to weeks. Then give her a structured routine, and maintain that structure when she pushes the limits.
The more you handle them, the more they like it. Get her socialized with strangers. The more attention they get, the more they crave it. Once they realize strangers mean MORE positive attention, and are not a threat, they will interact with everyone.
There you go. Nothing to it.
Problem is, people don't do it.
The bird just sits in a cage, unhandled, until it gets angry...
Then it screams, and bites, and is "not mush mac."