Bornavirus (ABV), and Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD)


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
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Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
Sun Conure: Charlie (male)
I wanted to do a post about Bornavirus (ABV), and Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD). Nico my Ekkie has been diagnosed with ABV. From what I've gathered there are parrots that are prone to getting ABV, and it has to do with their species (the Eclectus, and Macaw are more susceptible to getting ABV, and showing symptoms then other parrots). ABV is very common in captive parrots, and most will never show symptoms or be effected. I am under the impression that ABV can be managed by a vet, and with the proper care a parrot with ABV can live a long life just like any other parrot. PDD on the other hand is deadly unfortunately. It's a wasting disease. ABV can lead to PDD, but it doesn't always do so. This is just some of the stuff I've learned through multiple resources sense I adopted Nico. Please do correct, or add on if someone has more knowledge.

What do others know of ABV, and PDD? Does anyone know of anything that helps parrots with these challenging diseases?
Have you read this post?

@shinyuankuo has an eclectus with PDD but they last used the forum in 2021..
Have you read this post?

@shinyuankuo has an eclectus with PDD but they last used the forum in 2021..
I wanted to do a post about ABV because there really isn't much information on here about it. I am hoping to learn some from others that have had experience with it. I did come across this thread, and wondered how things were going. Unfortunately the person is inactive :cry: I couldn't find out any more information.
The only thing I do want to add is that Nico used to fall off his perch a lot. He seemed unstable on his feet, and additional to that he did toe tap, and wing flip when I first got him. This has changed, and he does appear to be doing better with his medications, exercise, and diet. Nico's feather plucking, and regurgitation hasn't improved at all (yes, this is common with Ekkie's so it would be hard to say if the disease is causing this, or if this is just Nico being an Ekkie. I would have to compare him to the average Ekkie to accurately report on this portion). Nico does appear to get infections easily, and his beak/nails grow so quickly in comparison to my Conure.

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