Thanks BoomBoom!
I GREATLY appreciate it.
When it comes to my tshirts that's how Skittles is as well. I do know that my vet tends to be rather 'over-protective' in her advice to me, but I've been going to see her or her husband (its a practice) for nearly fifteen years, so they know what my birds mean to me.
I honestly think that if Boomer hasn't been given enough opportunity to destroy his Pak-o-bird, then Skittles wouldn't either. If Boomer was NOT a sunny, I might be a bit more cautious, but given that he and Skittles are the same species and their behaviors are so similar, I think I'll be okay. I just want to be 'sure', since I'd be ordering it online.
@tacoNtiki I think you may be right. If it isn't the actual Pak-o-bird, then it's another carrier by the same company because I recall seeing something along those lines on their website.
I've never traveled by plane, but I hope to someday. I've never even been away from Skittles for one entire night, and I've had him for over four years, I just can't imagine traveling without him. But I want to go different places and I actually would rather be able to enjoy those trips with him, rather than worry about how he is doing in someone elses care. (Something I do not think he'd take too well, anyways).