Well things seem to be going backwards a bit. I have taken a good bit of time off of work trying to help Booger gain weight. I had hoped that changing dose on the meds would help Booger eat more. He just does not spend much time eating at all. It seems I have to personally hand him foods to encourage him to eat. He never "tanks up" like he should before bedtime, nor does he seem to be hungry mornings. Im experimenting with different stuff to see what he will eat best. Also, mixing various things in almond butter (he likes that) to get some extra nutrition in him.. like baby bird formula, vitamin C, and calcium. When feeding him I keep a cup of gingerale handy for him to wash his foods down with. I customized his med syringe so I can take his meds in him easier (get more in him than on him). He's a great lil patient... no complaints at all bout takin his meds now, but as I might I cant get lil Booger over 90 grams... so he is still scrawny as hell. On the plus side he is perky and playful still, but his wing injury does not seem to be getting better. With him so scrawny Im skeered I will injure him further if I try to exercise his wings. Ah well folks.. just keep fingers crossed for my lil Booger... and any ideas on how to trigger his appetite would be appreciated.