Board games with parrot rules...Question.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
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A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 5 budgies, yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
Question about extreme board gaming with parrots....

Ever play a board game where the parrot can help decide the outcome, for example..

You're playing risk, a parrot lands and steals yours or anouther army piece and flys off....result army killed by parrot.

You're playing monopoly and a parrot takes your hotel on St. James place....result hotel burnt in fire from parrot attack.

You're playing chess and a parrot grabbed a piece.....Result that piece now dead from parrot attack.

etc. etc.

I've never done it but was watching a video about strategy with a board game and I sometimes play with legos and my birds will swipe a piece.....could make family night interesting....esp if you have a bird well trained.

Just a thought.
You can apply that to playing online game in a group. In the middle of the battle your CAG comes over, gets on mouse for a scritch or starts pulling keycovers off.
You're playing Clue and your bird poo bombed in the conservatory. Colonel Mustard didn't see the poo when he was brandishing his candle stick and tracked it to the lounge on his shoe. He then incriminated himself by putting his feet up while smoking his pipe and you spotted the smudge. Murderer apprehended thanks to parrot.
Maybe a year ago, the Rb began picking sports winners. I would mark bottle caps with the rivals' names and he would "pick". He was right every time for, like, 10 times, across continents and venues. I discovered some members were betting money on his "advice" and got freaked out and stopped.
An example...
Both of my quaker parrots would never be brave enough to go to a board game and get the pieces. However my budgie is known for throwing his toys especially his baby Yoda toy off the table so I feel like if I ever taught him to do that with board games, every time he would see a game piece he would throw it off the table until there was no more games left on the table. It would just be constant mayhem with chess, pawn eliminated from fall damage, two seconds after- another pawn eliminated from fall damage 😂 he would never stop until he gets the full job done. But it could absolutely be done with another birb who isn't obsessed with constantly throwing things off the table..
I can't imagine the pandemonium if I tried to play Monopoly or do a jigsaw puzzle in the living area where my gang of budgies live! There would be playing pieces, hotels, houses and half chewed money or puzzle pieces everywhere! We can't do anything without them being involved.
I can't imagine the pandemonium if I tried to play Monopoly or do a jigsaw puzzle in the living area where my gang of budgies live! There would be playing pieces, hotels, houses and half chewed money or puzzle pieces everywhere! We can't do anything without them being involved.
When my daughter stationed in Japan, she sent me a beautiful hand made Mahjongg set. It's still in unopened, cellophane wrapped box! I love the game. But I'm not taking a chance my CAG will decide she's gonna disassemble a piece or two or more.

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