Blue-mutation-yellow-naped-amazon !!!

12,000 USD. I know he had some eggs earlier this yr but haven't asked about the "hatch". Want me to check for you? how many you want? LOL
Seriously, i could probably get a baby (if available) for less and handfeed it out. I'm buying immature "split to blue" as breeder stock and have a good relationship with Howard. Another month or two of good jobs and i can pick out my male, hence my visit in July.
Did you end up with a breeding pair?
Did you end up with a breeding pair?
Henpecked had been hit by that Hurricane the traveled up Central Florida a couple of years aga and has vastly pulled back from activity on this board. It sounded that he had lost several breeders and a fair amount of his aviary. I have not seen anyone offering Blue Mutation YNA in several years.
Henpecked had been hit by that Hurricane the traveled up Central Florida a couple of years aga and has vastly pulled back from activity on this board. It sounded that he had lost several breeders and a fair amount of his aviary. I have not seen anyone offering Blue Mutation YNA in several years.
That’s terrible to hear. I hope they’re doing alright now. We used to live in Louisiana and I am very familiar with how good hurricanes are at ruining everything and forcing you to have to make really awful, survival based choices.
That’s terrible to hear. I hope they’re doing alright now. We used to live in Louisiana and I am very familiar with how good hurricanes are at ruining everything and forcing you to have to make really awful, survival based choices.

That is so very true! We have many friends (well over a dozen) that had been hit hard by last Fall's hurricane and could not go to Florida this Winter as they are on a long list waiting for contractors be able to work on their places.
Ohh, my!


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