Bloody kittens having kittens.


New member
Dec 24, 2006
Well, Lofty the Kitten I rescued from the ceiling has paid us back with 5 kittens of her own. 2 grey and 3 black. How long till she should bring them out to see us? There is no mess and she seems to be feeding them fine. How long before I can let my Grandson know they exist? I whinge and moan, but I am quite excited about seeing him playing with 5 lively kittens. She is ok and has come out to eat, So I am not sure what else I should do. Who do I palm off the kittens to?
They usually have a special diet you can feed lactating cats, I didn't know about it when my cat had kittens oh so long ago and she was fine without it so she should be ok.. just might want to eat more than usual.
I'd put her food and water close to wherever her little hideaway is so she doesn't have to venture far.. She'll probably feel more comfortable not leaving her babies for long at first.
She might not bring the kittens out to see you but I would check them out just to be sure they are all ok. As soon as those little buggers open their eyes I'm sure it'll be all she can do to keep them away from you and your grandson, as they'll be very curious and trying to walk all over the place. If he's gentle and she doesn't mind, there shouldn't be a problem with him interacting with them in a few days.
Start telling your friends now how cute they are so you can palm them off when they are weaned and hopefully get momma cat fixed. She sounds like a bit of a harlot.. don't want more kittens after this batch!
Good luck!
Ah, heres some more info.

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