I should mention that I just pulled that picture off google, it's not my boy (I have a Jenday, as you all know, lol!)
I asked my breeder for clarification. Basicly, bronzing is a lack of pigment. It can be caused by normal things like feather rub, overgrooming (which can be a parasite thing), etc, where the feather gets enough abrasion to wear away the pigment layer. Some birds have a patch they will 'bronze' and groom over and over again. Usually it is on the tips of the feathers.
However, it can also be similar to 'stress bars' in that when the feather was formed that the bird was not getting adequate nutrition, or was stressed, or any of those things that cause stress bars, and as a result the bird did not have the resources to form that feather properly. In this case, instead of a stress bar, the bird did not have the resources to put pigment into the feather... Make sense so far?
Basicly, it's a lack of pigment. But the cause can vary. If your bird is moulting in bronzed feathers I'd be concerned. If he moults in normal then tends to overgroom, or another bird likes to overgroom him, or he rubs parches or what not, and that's how he 'bronzes', provided their is no underlying cause (eg parasites) I wouldn't be too concerned. And the occasional feather growing in bronzed or with a stress bar is ok (when moulting and growing in a couple of hundred feathers it's normal for one or two to be abnormal), but if you are finding numerous ones I would be taking a vet trip and reviewing the birds diet and environment.
I think I confuse myself sometimes.
Bronzing= lack of pigment. On green feathers it shows up black or bronze. On other colours it can be different (I believe it is white on red? but don't hold me to that)
Can indicate an issue if feathers are growing in bronzed, as this indicates they are not developing right (no pigment layer, may have other abnormalities, eg stress bars)
Can also be a bird stripping away the outer pigmented layers through overgrooming or the like, which may not necessarily indicate an issue, if they grow in normal but bronze over time.