

New member
Feb 11, 2008
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Male Eclectus: Flanagan
we recently moved Arcee from her own private room to the living room. while she lets me get her out sometimes, she doesnt "step up" anymore, and she snaps at me a lot during the day. its only during the mornings and evenings that she lets me get to her.
what should i do? do you think the move stressed her out?
plus, she hates everyone else. she's never let anyone else pick her up other than me, she snaps at my two year old and my husband.

neither one of them like her very much to begin with, but i'd still like it to stop.

any suggestions?
Hopefully others with more bird specific experience will address this further but I can attest to the fact that ANY change of scenery can be stressful for a parrot and can lead to a bad attitude for a while until they adjust. In most cases however they CAN adjust given a little time. It may or may not be the new environment that is the problem, but rather just the CHANGE which she will get over.
alright, i just dont want to stress her out to bad, i figured she would like it cuz when she was in her own room she cried for attention a lot.
All I could think of was going from my bedroom sanctuary to living in the middle of my living room, it is probably unnerving I know I would not like it.

My Max's sanctuary is in my room and that is where he likes to go to rest and feel safe. Is there anyway of putting him back to his comfort zone and bringing him out to the living room for short visits, then longer untill he slowly gets used to being there so it not so unnerving for him?

When he snaps at you do you pull your hand away? I am sure the kids do.
To him he is the victor, I act this way and look at them hop. :) There is a lot of good info on biting behavior on the net . My Max had to get used to the idea the behavior did not get him anywhere.
I have another cage in the living room Max can retreat to if he feels the need to but he is usually to busy playing with his toys and chasing the cats.

Also, I think it is common for them to attach themselves to a particular person as they would choose a mate in the wild
Hope this helps,
"her" room was actually the computer room, but she has her own play room as well, but that room has no windows and is just weird and shut off from everything, and i definitely don't want her in there without me being there.
when she snaps at me, i dodge it, but i go right back, mainly because it doesn't hurt lol.

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