Bird won't calm down


Apr 11, 2019
I took my parakeet to the vet today due to him seeming to favor his left foot. He was diagnosed with a soft tissue injury, either a strain or a sprain, and I was told to keep him in a bin for two weeks to keep him from moving too much so that it can heal. The problem is, Toby hates this. He is constantly trying to get out, causing him to make a mess of his food and water. He even started flapping his wings and jumping at the walls when I covered him for bed. This doesn't seem like it would be helping his leg....Is there any way I can help him chill out? Will he just get tired eventually? I feel bad just leaving him in there, and for two whole weeks!

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Obviously if Toby is thrashing around in this temporary cage ( or bin??), then he should not be kept there, for he will only do more straining and spraining. My parrot is really clumsy and strains and sprains his beak and legs sometimes, so have been to the vet often for this type of injury. Aside from giving some painmeds (metacalm administered orally) I just keep him in his cage longer, keep him warm, and make sure fresh water and protein is available to him.
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Yeah, I called the vet and was told that I didn't HAVE to put him in one, but it is recommended. His foot has been bothering him for multiple weeks, so would just metacam be able to help it heal on its own? I'm thinking of splitting the cage in half and making the setup simpler to avoid making him move too much and see how that goes.

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That medication is just a pain relief med. Splitting his reg cage seems a better idea.
Obviously if Toby is thrashing around in this temporary cage ( or bin??), then he should not be kept there, for he will only do more straining and spraining. My parrot is really clumsy and strains and sprains his beak and legs sometimes, so have been to the vet often for this type of injury. Aside from giving some painmeds (metacalm administered orally) I just keep him in his cage longer, keep him warm, and make sure fresh water and protein is available to him.
Hi I know this is a long shot as I am reading your replies from years ago! But when your bird would sprain his legs, did you ever notice a change in their sleeping position? Instead of the standard one foot up, head tucked under the wing position, did your parrot every just slouch over the perch almost tilting over? I have seen a few people wondering the same thing on here and I am going through something similar with my bird. He sprained his leg a few days ago, and after a consultation with an exotic avian specialist, she confirmed it was likely just a sprain and prescribed metacam 0.07ml for 10 days.
Please do let me know if you have any advice or if your parrot was the same as mine! I’m thinking of taking him in to see another specialist if this weird sleeping position doesn’t change, as it is affecting his sleep cycle too!! (Currently heartbroken)
Thank you in advance

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