Bingo's wintertime illness.


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Bingo's winter sinus problem is back with a vengeance.
He had a big sneeze yesterday morning and his upper beak was all wet with a clear liquid.
This morning I woke him up early with my cell phone ready and was completely surprised.
His tongue was all wet with the same thing he had on his beak.
Just got back from the vet.
I am worried about the dosage of the meds I was given.

D0xycycline 50mg/ml giving him 1 ml every 12 hours.
I have never given any of my birds that large of a dose of any medication.

Also got a large bottle of Rx vitamins called Liquid Immuno.
suppos to give the same amount 1 ml every 12 hours.
doxycline is great choice! Great fir most bacterial respiratory issues.

And you have heard me bang on about added warmth. Extra warmth is huge with parrots . Really increases healing and saves them many calories. A radiant heat panel is best.
Bingo still has his snuggle up hot plate.
he can and does sit next to it when he wants to.
Inside temperature is about 68 F.
I am keeping the inside temperature a little warmer, usually have it at 65 F.
Humidity has bee high (for the desert) just above 40%.

I used to have some great articles on burds respiratory system and high metabolism , and how every degree warmer saved them calories ..alas I haven't found them

Birds have an extremely high metabolic rate, and a high body surface area compared to body mass. This means they burn up food very fast in order to stay warm and keep their body functioning.

Anyway, I'm hoping your prompt attention, and quickly getting veterinarian care and treatment = speedy recovery!!

My heart hurts for every sick burd, and I stress so much about them. That sometimes I can't even bring myself to read the sick bird threads. But I'm always here for you my friend!!

This temperature drop has led to an increase of sick burds , and sudden loss of birds. Its just that little extra stressor in burds that walk a metabolic tightrope, and may have had hidden issues.
Geeezz Wes so sorry to read about your green dino being under the weather. 1 ml of med seems a lot to me. Amy's heart med is 0.11 ml and it looks like a lot in the syringe :oops: How are you administering it to him,just curious. I guess just keep him warm. Good that you got him to his Doc as fast as you could. The last couple days both Amy and Beeb's have let out an achoo. I hope there isn't something in the air!
Wishing Bingo a speedy recovery buddy!

I/we will use the old fashioned towel.
this am will be first dose.
I am not going to give the vitamins directly, will put just a little in water.

I tried to find dosing info online about the antibiotics but it was all about using it in water (like large scale chicken ranch).

the antibiotics are pink and smells like has some berry flavor so it may be more diluted than previous experience.
I going to start out with 1/2 dose (.50 ml) and see how it goes.
I/we will use the old fashioned towel.
this am will be first dose.
I am not going to give the vitamins directly, will put just a little in water.

I tried to find dosing info online about the antibiotics but it was all about using it in water (like large scale chicken ranch).

the antibiotics are pink and smells like has some berry flavor so it may be more diluted than previous experience.
I going to start out with 1/2 dose (.50 ml) and see how it goes.
"the antibiotics are pink and smells like has some berry flavor so it may be more diluted than previous experience."

Flavored meds..the old pharmacy I used offered banana flavored (his fave) the new pharm doesn't have 'nana so I get marshmallow. With Amy he has a game he likes..I get him on his carry-me-around perch as he chews away at it then I flip him over and hold him on his back in the palm of my hand. His feet stay busy holding the perch as he chews on it. The very first dose I was able to get the meds in him with no problem. He learned real quick! The 2nd dose he kicked at the barrel of the syringe with one foot and moved his head to one side and chewed on the syringe tip! I got more meds in his face then in his beak. Now he gets it in a tiny piece of toast for english muffin.
Good luck with the towel...I wouldn't have any fingers.

I'm sure the dose is correct, and recommend following the veterinarian instructions. If you low dose yiu run the risk of creating resistance to the antibiotics. Doxycline has a wide safety margin and birds actually have a higher dose needed than humans or other animals. They are unique.
I had to give my budgies a 1 ml dose, ( my meds weren't as concentrated, but budgies actually have a higher dose than other parrots)

The doxycline seems to taste ok to the birds, some took it straight from syringe like it was a treat. Some I took a tiny thumbnail piece if toast and let it absorb the meds, then fed as treat to mine. You could also try putting it in a grape, usually I add a little extra when I fo it thst way
I guess I will try the full dose this evening.
He sure didn’t like the flavor.
Dealing with Lucky made me forget how strong and fast Bingo can be.o_O
you can also mix with baby bird formula and give in syringe. My birds love baby bird formula.

This is why I suggest have your parrot used to taking things from you, especially things you might hide meds in down the road. It helps to increase things a sick bird will take, and if you ever have to give meds.

Sorry he doesn't like the taste. :(
I guess I will try the full dose this evening.
He sure didn’t like the flavor.
Dealing with Lucky made me forget how strong and fast Bingo can be.o_O
Amazons can move when they want! Just an O.T. funny here. I was washing the kitchen floor the other day and Amy was on the counter watching. I leaned the broom against the counter and it slid towards him. It freaked him out and he jumped off the counter hap-hazardly waving his arms as he went THUD on the floor :confused: We all know that 'zon's walk with a purpose and aren't in a big hurry. Well he got to his feet and I never saw him run so fast,out the kitchen to the living room heading straight to BB's house for comfort lol.

Medication has been one of our most frustrating must provide as there is just no assure way that works with all Parrots. With all the Amazons we have worked with, none of them shared any preferences. Although, it is much easier when the Parrot has at least some reason to semi-trust one. Starting with a new, sick Parrot is not recommended.

We have tried an endless number of methods and find that baby bird formula is great, but as above, never assured. Currently we are applying a topical and we have turned it in to a game. It is working, but we have years with Julio and although the stink-eye is there, at least he is forgiving us.

Amazon Prayers you're way good friend!
So far I have not seen any mare symptoms Bingos winter woes.
I have the heat in the house turned up and the minimum temp should not get below 72 deg F.

Giving him as close to a full dose as we can make it.
I don't think mixing it with anything is practical it's just too large of a dose.
1 ml is a full syringe (of the really skinny variety) and even a 50/50 mix with something else wont cover the tast of smell.

Despite going through all this Bingo is still as friendly as normal more/less. He does not give me the stink eye and will still step up without taking liberties with my fingers.

will keep you all posted.


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