Bingo is going to the doctor

Came back from another vet visit.
I really hope we can get an answer this time.
Heā€™s been shaking his head a lot and loosing weight.

My vet flushed out his sinuses and captured some to send to a lab and culture it out.
Also a sample from his throat.
Bingo felt thin to me but he said his weight was ok, just under 500 grams.
His preen gland is sort of dry so he told me a mix of oils to give him daily.
Should have the lab work back by Friday.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Was supposed to get test results back Friday but it didnā€™t happen.
Hopefully Monday.

Here is short video of Bingo eating oatmeal.

I just got back.
Bingo s not happy.
I am not so happy either.

He got a nail trim.
Blood test.
General checkup.

I am not happy with the bill.

I will get the blood results Thursday.
And I got antibiotics and meticam to reduce inflammation.

Here is a short video of Bingo this morning.
I gave him a light shower before his appointment.
He was sort of talking a nap afterwards (very unusual).
And he was making his grooming noises even though he wasnā€™t grooming.

You have to turn the sound up to 10 to hear him.

Awwwā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry, I pray he gets better soon. And hope youā€™re doing ok, it hurts to see your baby hurting.
Test results are in.
No pathology in the nasal and throat swabs sent in.
Once again money down the drain.
Spending money and getting answers is one thing.
Spending money without getting answers is frustrating.
Make me wonder why bother going through the trouble and stressing him out for no gain.

I hope to take the Twins in next month for a nail trim and DNA test on Merlin.
The Twins are more difficult to handle.
Both can fly unlike Bingo.
We are at the end of February and the weather is getting warmer.
This means Bingo is feeling better.
His energy level is up and heā€™s driving me a bit crazy.
Wanting out constantly and going so far as climbing up the drapes and exploring the kitchen counters .

He still has symptoms of something and I am taking him back to the vet on the 11th next month.
I have been chatting with Grok and outlining his symptoms so I have a tentative plan of action.

It seems like he is suffering from a sinus drainage problem. We need to find out if itā€™s bacteria related or fungus related and I am going to insist on a culture from his sinus to find out which. Then I will strongly press for nasal drops for treatment not oral meds that have proven useless.

Bingo keeps shaking his head and as he does I get splattered with tiny drops of moisture on my face and arms. Itā€™s not coming from his nares it has to be from his mouth and we all know birds donā€™t have saliva.

I will leave you with a picture of Bingo getting ready to make waffles.and coffee.

View attachment 78365
Love an Amazon that knows his way around a kitchen!
Test results are in.
No pathology in the nasal and throat swabs sent in.
Once again money down the drain.
Spending money and getting answers is one thing.
Spending money without getting answers is frustrating.
Make me wonder why bother going through the trouble and stressing him out for no gain.

I hope to take the Twins in next month for a nail trim and DNA test on Merlin.
The Twins are more difficult to handle.
Both can fly unlike Bingo.
Worse than no answers is when you go in with a live but very sick bird (or other animal) and leave with a cardboard box and a $250 euthanasia bill.

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