

New member
May 24, 2011
-no parrots yet-
I do have two cats -Riply & Nano bites-
four snakes- china, dip & stick, and Grand Chahee-
Just a FYI to everyone on this site, thankgod I am good with computers, I tackled it before it took my computer down, A few of the vid's I clicked on to see some Vary cute birds accually had viruses and gave my computer a vary nasty spyware that nearly killed my computer.
Could you be more specific please. Are the vids posted here on our forum? If so we will delete them ASAP
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the first one was that link you accually placed, about that pretty budgie running around on the ball, thats where the first virus came from, then I opened another one that nearly took my computer down that was accually under "Parrot Fan"

I Do not know if the second virus was a spinnoff from the first, but I wasent havening any problems until I opened those two links.
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PS I Loved Both vid's And I hope I am wrong. Please look them over and tell me if I am wrong, because I was going to send the vid of the Parrot fan to a friend, when just opening the link made my computer skip a beat.

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