Beware of "Rescue"


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
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San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
Once again, this started out as a response to another thread, and I was asked to post it as a separate thread:


Let me tell you about one of the "rescues" I volunteered with for only a few weeks (and trust me that was enough) in NorCal.

First of all, there was no actual "rescue" per se. They made a website, with a bunch of sad sack looking birds, (most of which were downloaded from sites like mytoos) then set up a link for donations, and a number to donate your unwanted bird...

They used "volunteer" labor to do all the bird care, and cleaning of cages, etc. Volunteers were also expected to "donate" toys, food, water, their homes, and their time and training... the birds they care for are Foster birds. The birds, however, belong to the rescue unless the person paying for the toys, food, and spending their time providing care, also paid an "adoption fee" to the rescue. (You had to sign a contract saying that, in order to be allowed the privilege of providing care...)

On paper, these fees go to pay for things like vet care, etc. ONLY THING IS THE PEOPLE WHO VOLUNTEERED TO CARE FOR THESE ANIMALS ENDED UP BEING OUT OF POCKET FOR THESE THINGS. Now mind you all of these birds were "surrendered" parrots. Free birds, with free cages, and often free toys as well.


They went to pay for the guy who "owned" the rescue's (that never existed) house, car payment, utility bills, etc. He didn't actually work. He just drove around meeting people, accepting donations, stroking egos, lining up "volunteers," picking up free parrots... and keeping up appearances. And lining his pockets, and taking credit for the care that was actually performed by other people. Needless to say, I wasn't associated with these guys for more than a few weeks once I figured out what's going on. Well intentioned volunteers helping these people are only "enablers."

I ALSO WORKED WITH LEGITIMATE RESCUES THAT REALLY DID GOOD WORK, AND NEEDED THE DONATIONS AND SUPPORT. THAT WASN'T THIS GUY... AND THAT'S THE THING WITH THESE SCAMMER OUTFITS. THEY TAKE AWAY RESOURCES FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTUALLY DOING GOOD AND NEED THE HELP!!! Good rescues still need Fosters, and I fostered for many years (and provided food and toys to many of my fosters.) But legit rescues provide vet care, and legit placement services, and legit bird handling and care classes. NOT IT'S GONNA COST YOU THIS MUCH TO WALK OUTTA HERE WITH A BIRD TODAY. And they taught the people doing the care, how to do it properly BEFORE allowing them to Foster, and made sure they actually did it. There were policies and procedures in place, to insure proper care, and they were followed.


When enough people refused to volunteer (i.e. be used and scammed) anymore, this guy suddenly found himself with a house full of birds that no one wanted, no money coming in, and no one but himself to care for them, or pay for food and care. At that point he shut down "the scam" and was forced to surrender "his" birds to a legitimate rescue.. Cuz he sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for anything. IT WAS ALWAYS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. (And at the good rescues, it's all about the welfare of the birds.)

Many other "rescues" out there are nothing more than Hoarders. These are mentally ill people who are taking in anything and everything because they love animals and are deluded into believing that this is their calling in life, but in reality, they have NO resources coming in to actually care for these animals. The animals in that situation go from the frying pan, into the fire... ending up suffering, or dead, or needing to be rescued from the rescue. Visit even one of these places and you'll know! THE STENCH IS UNGODLY!!!

And then there are the FLIPPERS... there is no rescue, they post the bird the next day on Craig's list or take them to the flea market, or second hand bird shops, or what have you, and sell them for a profit. Get as much as you can for free, and see what you can get for it. The welfare of the animal is NOT a real concern, or even, a concern at all. $$$. If these guys are scammers or flippers. Your bird will be taking a trip to "the mill."

IT DOES HAPPEN!!! Lesson there is check it out thoroughly before surrendering your bird!!!


Things happen. Hormonal parrots run amuck. Children come into the world and get attacked. Situations sometimes change from healthy to unhealthy. People die, and no one is able to care for the bird. There are many legitimate reasons where it may be where it is best for both the bird and the people to rehome... and that happens from time to time, especially with toos.


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Mark, thank you for this insightful post! I hope everyone who is faced with rehoming a bird, regardless of the reason, will read this first.

Excellent post, Mark.
Very eye opening to be sure.....I can't imagine the heatbreak of getting to the point where you have to rehome your baby, only to be scammed by one of the bad apples.

As with everything, don't rush into it. Get references. I would imagine a good rescue will have a lot of good referrals.

I know in my case, I had to take their free class, submit to a home inspection, and visit with Loki at his foster home 3 times before adoption would move forward. At the time I thought it was a bit much, but looking back I'm glad they care that much for the parrot.
very eye opening to be sure.....i can't imagine the heatbreak of getting to the point where you have to rehome your baby, only to be scammed by one of the bad apples.

As with everything, don't rush into it. Get references. I would imagine a good rescue will have a lot of good referrals.

I know in my case, i had to take their free class, submit to a home inspection, and visit with loki at his foster home 3 times before adoption would move forward. At the time i thought it was a bit much, but looking back i'm glad they care that much for the parrot.

if you don't do that, the flippers get them, and the next thing you know the parrot is up for sale on craig's list, or at the flea market...

Or some back yard breeder would get them...
very eye opening to be sure.....i can't imagine the heatbreak of getting to the point where you have to rehome your baby, only to be scammed by one of the bad apples.

yeah, finding your bird for sale on craigs list the next day is kind of a punch in the gut. Especially when the guy says he's mine now, you want him back? Pay me money.

It happens...
Can anyone recommend a good parrot rescue? I've repeatedly contacted by telephone and email two in my area and got no response. The third seems a little shady - perhaps a hoarding situation.
Can anyone recommend a good parrot rescue? I've repeatedly contacted by telephone and email two in my area and got no response. The third seems a little shady - perhaps a hoarding situation.

Did you ever try following through with this?

The best people to speak to about a rescue in your area is our resident mother/daughter combo, jenphilly and riddick07. Here is a link to a thread in the Rescue Centers sub-forum detailing the rescue center where they volunteer:

Seeing that you don't yet have enough posts to send a pm, I'll send one to them letting them know of this thread. Hang in there, okay?

We live in Pennsylvania.
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Yes, I was sure you did! That was why I was reminding her of the offers to help. There are some posters that are members of so many forums, they loose track of what, when, where!
I just hope she logs back in this time and realizes we are here to help create a win for all involved
Thank You for the write up. I want to say and let you know I mean it, first. There are some BAD APPLE's in humanity. Most of us are good people with good intentions. A few questions and the use of good sense, is certainly in order, to protect defenseless pets lives. ALL of us that offer to adopt a pet that needs re-homing are not heathens of the lower class though. I have noted finally that I should make at least 20 post's to be able to enclose contact data, so here's 1. SOME of us adopter's are like me (70 myself) and wish to adopt a bird (or even a pair) in their latter years; sooner than later. I want to go on record as I am not one of humanities BAD APPLE's; in that I don't intend to re-sale an adoptee or feed it to some other critter. I am not looking to scam anyone either. My sister in-law bought and has been refurbishing an old RR Depot and asked me to be it's caretaker. She furnished us with a 3 bedroom trailer, security cam's, a lawnmower and reduced rent for doing so. My wife and I have different taste's in our past time's and have converted the extra bedrooms to our use to keep them from interfering. I am in the process of quitting smoking and would not be a deficit to a birds' life and feel that the interaction would benefit it and I. We are retired and she is 10 years younger than I. Is there anything else that is needed to know? I can certainly afford a phone interview and 1 or 2 trips to facilitate an adoption. An extended period of time to get to that point isn't desirable or feasible. If I speak out of turn or expect too much; delete this account or just ask me not to come back. jh
Not sure that you noted that this thread is older, has not been active since 2016.
I noticed, it was an older post. It's the general attitude that get's me and the date doesn't affect that. jh
To assure that I'm connecting your comments with the foundation of this Thread, I read it fully once again.
I'm unsure of which side of the discussion you are on, but I'm guessing that you wish to obtain a Parrot!?!? If so, the Thread provided a clear warning of the issues that are real in the market place.
Regarding its "general attitude." If is opens the eyes for someone looking to buy in a Market that is rip with "Let the Buyer Beware!" And, as a result, save them from a bad purchase its attitude is correct.

Prospective is central to one's opinion.
" PERSPECTIVE " IS central to any statement. Yes. What I was saying, is everyone isn't one of humanities " bad apples ". The idea of the original post was to let people know there are bad apples out there. Some may be running a scam that would "USE" your bird in an ill mannered way; be it a moneymaking scam, feeding it to other animals or in some way at least to the birds detriment. I agree there are those types to watch for and I agree that we each should do so. As for being scammed into buying without the bird in hand, NO I don't agree a person should be expected to do so. People should use some Common Sense and not be so absolutely trusting. At the same time it would be nice to seem to accept a person on an acceptable level and not accuse them as a bad apple. I know I'm not saying that right, just state that you want to exercise a little caution on the birds behalf. Pets have rights and feelings just as people do. It's only right to acknowledge that of either one. In scanning this site, I am sorry; I got my neck a bit up at some of the innuendo's. Most I am sure weren't even intended but there nonetheless. I am a simple fellow and quite literal, if I have offended, I apologize. I am open to adopting a bird or even a pair with their cage. I will travel to arrange the event if requested. I would like to sign a paper of transference and may even pay a small fee. I would like for the last owner to feel comfortable with releasing their pet to me. jh
I hope you find a parrot in sure you will provide a good home. We had GCC and a senegal looking for homes but to long ago. But I rember you have some allergies and are looking for lower allergies parrots.
We just don't often have rehomes here. Lol as I say that I just did get a rehoming Quaker last month....
All the parrots listed on Craigslist I think if as rescues but they usually ask for some cash...
Anyway sometimes magic happens I wish you the best,!

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