Best parrot names

BIRD, you never hear of anyone naming their bird "BIRD" :)

I met a guy with a B&G macaw he called "Big Bird" - as in Sesame Street Big Bird XD

I know someone who has a CAG named gandolf. As in gandolf the grey haha
This is how Mana's name came about... I take no pride in it, I am thoroughly ashamed LOL

There is this news presenter on SBS, named Manny Tsigas. The way he says his own name, sounds like "Many Sea Guts" and subconsciously I must have thought it pretty funny because I couldn't get the name out of my head. For weeks, I went around randomly saying the name. It evolved and grew into some hideous in-joke. And my partner decided Manny would be the birds name. I couldn't come up with anything better in the mean time so it stuck. :(
Then "he" turned out to be a "she". Being gaming nerds, we naturally just dropped it to Mana... still no better name picked out so I guess it sticks! Though I could totally see myself stealing the idea of 'bacon and eggs', how lovely would it fit a galah and corella? :D :D :D

I definitely need ideas for my corella, otherwise he is going to end up being named "Unicron", which is the latest amusing word to catch on in the house. Unicron is a world eater from the transformers story. Its also unicorn misspelled and what I call Mana when I have been stratching her head and her first few crest feathers get stuck standing up :)

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