Best food for green cheek conure


New member
Jun 8, 2015
So i give my green cheek vegetables and fruits for example (banana she loves banana's give it to her like everyday) carrots, sometimes apple, cucumber, Broccoli.she also eats her regular food and i put a few regular sunflower seeds for her as well.

i was wondering if there is anything else i can give her everyday for her health benefit.
Go ahead and check out the food section of the forum and see the various safe foods as well as chop recipes to get some ideas.
What is her regular food? I hope it is a pellet diet. The fruits should be given as treats and in moderation due to the sugar. Try bell peppers and jalapeños.
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I actually give her the seeds of bell pepper. can i give her the bell pepper it's self?

here is the food she eats.
You could try buying a cooked bird food I personally use Hot and Hearty. I find it easiest because it provides a lot of variety. Along with heating up some frozen veggies and with the zupreem pellets these three are Pumpkins main diet.
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this is ChuChu (in Armenian we call birds Chuticks and chuchu is sorta sorta and a sweet way of saying Chutick) my mom calles her Chuchu and she started saying Chuchu so we named her that. and it's so cute when she say's Chuchu xD she say's it in the sweetest and most babyish way. this is a picture of her.

Yeah as long as they're willing to eat the pepper they can. If you can try to convert your bird to a pellet diet the seed diets don't provide the nutrients birds need.
ty ann

is this what you use?

So i can put the food in the microwave and heat it up and server her?

Yes that's what I use because that's what my breeder uses to wean her birds to. First you cook it, the same way you cook rice really. Then I personally freeze mine into ice cube trays. Then every morning I zap one cube in the microwave for 30 seconds and serve.
That doesn't look bad at all. If you have the time to make it you can chop veggies and cook grains up and freeze it for your bird(s). It ends up being cheaper and you can mix and match.
ty ann

is this what you use?

So i can put the food in the microwave and heat it up and server her?

Yes that's what I use because that's what my breeder uses to wean her birds to. First you cook it, the same way you cook rice really. Then I personally freeze mine into ice cube trays. Then every morning I zap one cube in the microwave for 30 seconds and serve.

Looks like they are cooking the grains/beans then drying and adding the dehydrated veggies! Good move, neutralizes the beans and simplifies final prep! Along with being shelf stable.
Hmm, one more reason to go forward with that dehydrator!
All together I spend an hour every few weeks cooking. I buy frozen veggies that are already chopped to mix into the hot and hearty when it is done cooking. One cup of H&H (before cooking) lasts one green cheek about one month when split into ice cube sized portions. So about an hour one time per month worth of cooking. Sometimes I will add a pouch of organic veggie baby food into the m8x for more variety it also helps the 8ce cubes stick together better when frozen.
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Ann333, how much do you make at once? Also have you considered buying fresh and chopping? I package them in baggies and put two days worth in it at a time and thaw em out one bag at a time.
I make one cup of hot and hearty before cooking, after cooking it is about 2 cups. I mix that with about one cup of frozen veggies and one or two pouches of organic veggie/fruit baby food. Sometimes I add the powder left 0ver from pumpkins zupreem pellets. He eats the pellets funny and most goes to waste in the form of powder left in the bowl, so I freeze the powder until I'm ready to cook again. After it is all mixed into a bowl together I end up with about 3 cups total. That easily lasts Pumpkin one month.
I have condidered buying fresh and I do sometimes, but my family doesn't eat heath so fresh veggies in my house go to waste and Pumpkins too small to eat enough to justify it for me. I just find that for my situation the frozen veggies and fruit along with the baby food work best because they have a longer shelf life.

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