Benny & Jerry


Jan 16, 2021
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Hello everyone -

I was hoping to get your advice, help or/and opinions on one of my Parakeets "Jerry". I took these two in "benny and Jerry" about 4 years ago from a friend that had no business having any animals to be honest. Anyway, I wasnt a bird fan but I got them a new cage "yellow color" just for their own fun, I get them different toys every once and a while to freshin things up. I had them on organic "Vita" seed diet with veggies but lately I am giving Harrisons super fine another try (mixing a little with the seeds). Cage is always cleaned and they get about 80% of the day free fly time in the room they are in.

Here is my concern, Jerry "the green one in the photo" has been missing a chunk of hair under his wing, I was told this is normal and it happens. Its been like this for a year or so, I took him to the vet and he said he looks good with no apparent issues. I just want to run this by folks that may have seen this in the past.

Edit: One more question, I tried putting a bathing tub for them and they never used it, do you guys have any good recommendations for how to bath them? do they need it? is there an organic spray of some soft I can buy online or at the pet store that they would like or enjoy or help their skin or feathers stay healthy?

Thank you all


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Ordinary water, warm, in a spray bottle set to MIST is all you need. Make sure they are not in any drafts when showering or bathing.
'keets are known lettuce surfers. Place some wet lettuce in a bowl and they -once used to it- will go wild :)

The other option is to use a spray mister and gently spray them. You can get continual misters off Amazon for 9-12 bux, which makes it easy to spray without murdering your wrists and fingers. They're often sold for hair salons.
My budgies only get super excited to bathe when there's a "shower" for them set up in my kitchen sink. I put a 10 inch plant saucer on top of a few tall drinking glasses to raise it up and stabilize it then run the room temp water from the faucet spray on low speed. They fly over and take group showers a few at a time. Standing water doesn't excite most of them and I've never used a spray bottle. An electric cat waterer with a bubbler would be a good substitute for the sink sprayer. Happy bathing!

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