Beginner.. trying to breed CONGO

So? He is still torturing them in a very small cage... (and this from someone who is a selfproclaimed "knowlegable parrotperson" ..and appearently already has/ had a grey before...)
So? He is still torturing them in a very small cage... (and this from someone who is a selfproclaimed "knowlegable parrotperson" ..and appearently already has/ had a grey before...)
I'm not saying he's right. All I'm saying is that the way a lot of people are focusing on the fact that the birds are/arent wild caught isnt productive.

As a lot of people have ponited out (you included), the cage is wayy too small. That is something we can and have offered to "help" with by offering advice and tips.

Being harsh and just criticising isnt productive. Instead offering advice and help on how he can help the birds live their best life (like some have) is going to be much more helpful. Again, I'm not saying that ciricism isnt allowed (or jutified) but why not try to word something nicely? Why not try to think about where he is coming from?

Tough love is sometimes effective, but hurling insults and making assumptions isn't.

Yeah, are the birds well taken care of at the moment? No. However, does that mean that they cannot be taken very well care of in the future? No.

If we just bash the guy, he probably will stop asking others for advice and do what he knows, which in some areas is not in the best interest of the birds.

Yes, he should know most, if not all, of what he is asking about, but he is asking for help. Telling him how **** of a job he's doing isn't making anyone happy, especially if the answer isn't worded in a constructive way.
like he's been listening and making life better for the birds he already ownes/owned (and I DO mean this in the most sarcastic way possible).
he/she/it states:
"The African grey is my favourite.. i use to breed them and they used to be my passion.. till lately i saw to many African grey with my friends and relatives and they want to share everything and everytime they come they bring thier own birds wich drove my parrots crazy. So i decided to switch to Amazon since they're moody "

3 years later and he still does not know how to keep a african grey: large enough cage, propper food etc.etc...
He/she/it kept that one in a size 'traveling cage' as well.... despite people advising otherwise. are very kind to keep defending OP, but I do not think anything will get through, some people only care about profit, not a good life for the birds they force to breed.
We can only try to get them to be less cruel about it.
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I will answer everything later i dont havr nor internet nor words to answer now
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Hello everyone...
Im really surprised how people can be so judgemental!!!!
Im from saudi Arabia and my English is not my firs language.... im sorry i cant speake all of you .. i will try to reintroduce myself..

I love bird more than myself. Im 35 and my longest relationship is 5 years old was with nore ..( thank you so much who mentioned nora she's doing fine she's with my mother i will post some pictures of her with my next post.. for the people who knew her before. )
As for the people who start to throw ideas about me and how im a cruel person how i treated my birds like slaves or whatever thank you i dony need your ideas anymore?????!!!!!!!!

I breed brids and as i said im beginner in breeeding CONGO.

I will never enter this forum again thats for sure. As for my ways in treating animals im human and i treat them like i would love to be treated. I dont have internet all the time thats why i couldn't answer all of you in one time. As for what i breaded before, i have breaded canary, which is mooooore hard than CONGO, love bird, indian ringed neck, i am human just like you maybe more , for the people who says its inhuman of me and other things.

I asked for advice not money but thank you it seems i need to learn in the hard way

My nrlext post will be for what i have done before and i hope you guys enjoy it.

And all my love for whome ever post good things for me to learn from.

Most people were just trying to help as keeping to two Congo's together in small same cage when fighting each other is a huge no and literally can seriously injury and kill each other. I use to work and trained a few breeders in my area and can tell you some horror stories over the years of what can go wrong when you keep aggressive male with a female Congo, or most larger parrots. You have to know how to match them and ETC. It not easy with larger parrots especially to pair them. I have breeded Cockatiels, canary, finches, budgies and various fishes myself and worked with breeders with Cockatoo's, Macaws, lories, African grey and various other birds including hand raising and etc.

If your african congo grey are fighting, then is a huge problem as you can't trust them together and yes ways to break aggression and dominating Behavior, but take time and better to break the bond and to pair to new mate. You don't want to end up with a dead bird.

I personally don't have a problem with you trying to breed birds. The pair you describe is likely not a mated pair from everything you stated, or male is likely to aggressive and last breeder gave up as not a proven pair and haven't successfully raised a clutch. Shady breeders do this a lot and off load them to unsuspecting buyers at 8 years is prime age and no breeder in right mind would give up a proven pair that age unless they had issues with mating them and having a successful clutch. So likely not you fault your dealt a bad hand and likely ripped off. Plus cage is way to small they need space to get away from each other and nest box is incorrect as stated earlier.

Best thing you can do is keep them separate for now and keep them as a pet/companion and give them a good life, or re-home them.
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Hey OP where are you from? I'm in the UK. If you need a larger dage I'll help
i’m going to repeat what the others say, to make a point. If the birds are wild caught as you first mentioned, you are breaking the law. You mention wanting to breed them. It is not a business. Those birds end up in shelters, given away or simply let loose. They do not make good pets and many people don’t have the experience to handle them. If you don’t know how to change the water, then why do you have them? Please do not breed these birds. They deserve better than spending their lives in small cages and having their babies taken away every time their hatched.
Have some compassion please and do the right thing with these birds.

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