Before we pull the trigger on the Meyers...


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Crimson conures, Roseifrons, Sun, Sunday and cockatiels.
I want to get opinions on them and see if they fit what we're looking for.

I found a breeder and have an opportunity to purchase an almost weaned female.

Like I said in my other thread, I researched GCCs, eclectus, pionus, crimson bellied and lineolated and ended up deciding on the Meyers.

We do have a younger daughter who has a parrotlet. She's very aware of how she needs to be with the bird and she does great.

We'd like a bird that is friendly to her, my husband and I, playful but not necessarily demanding, good with us but ok without us. Not as nippy as some are renowned for and relatively quiet for a bird. A playful and yet laid back bird.

I know all individual birds can be different....but do you think the Meyers would be a wise choice for us? If not, then what do you recommend? We really want to make sure as we know this is a long term commitment.

Thanks for your thoughts and opinions!
From what I've heard about them, it does seem like the perfect choice.
As you write, it's individual, but Meyers is pretty sweet.
They are active but can be loud if that can be a problem?
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Eloy, occasional loud isn't a problem. We own our home so no neighbors to complain. However I would not want something that screamed constantly. I tried to tip the odds in our favor by choosing species that were "quieter". I know any species has the potential to be noisy though.

Everything depends on the individual bird, but using generalities I can eliminate certain species based on certain behaviors. I'm not looking for the perfect bird, but the bird that comes closest to what we're looking for.

I've been trying to find a breeder and it's been somewhat frustrating. Over 1/2 of them don't email me or call me back. Those that do are asking for money, right now. They want to make sure I know how much to ship, how much for using paypal...etc. I'm like...uh, tell me about the BIRD. I'm having such a hard time getting them to tell me about the personality of the individual bird that I'm interested in. For example, if the one you have for sale is shy and easily frightened, that may not be the right bird for us.

One breeder did call me right away, but he breeds the crimson bellieds. He answered all my questions and I'd feel comfortable buying from him were we to decide on the CBC. I have had no such luck with the Meyers breeders yet, unfortunately. :(
Have you thinking about a Pionus?
Then you have more breeders to contact and hopefully some are giving you the answers you want. :)

I will say that Meyers is the sweetest in the family of Poicephalus.
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Eloy, yes, the Pionus was one that we considered also. Again, had a hard time finding a breeder! And since we have a young daughter, we thought they may be to sensitive to her occasional noise and activity level.

I think we've decided on the crimson bellied conure, after all. I haven't been able to find a breeder I'm comfortable with and the CBC seems to have more of the playful personality we are looking for than the Meyers, and still be a little calmer than the Green Cheek. We plan to socialize with all members of the family to keep the bird a "family" bird and get some good advice to work through the nippy stage if we have one.
Have you tried a Senegal? Their considered the perfect apartment bird. they do screech occasionally, but what bird don't. and don't get me wrong conure's are beautiful colored birds, and well tamed, but do you want a bird that talks or don't? conure's don't talk, they mimic sounds and words. don't know much about a meyers though. have heard of em
I know people who got nice socialized baby Meyer's and they seem to be great with the whole family. I have two rehome/rescues that have their share of issues with trust (but have their reasons why).

Out of my flock, I would say they tend to be the noisiest, however I generally have very quiet birds and while I was still living with my parents, I got used to cockatoos and African Greys and a larger flock of Lovebirds.

I lived in an apartment with my 7 birds and never had a noise complaint.

One thing though - you said you had the opportunity to buy an almost weaned female - would you wait for her to be weaned or would you bring her home early?
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I know people who got nice socialized baby Meyer's and they seem to be great with the whole family. I have two rehome/rescues that have their share of issues with trust (but have their reasons why).

Out of my flock, I would say they tend to be the noisiest, however I generally have very quiet birds and while I was still living with my parents, I got used to cockatoos and African Greys and a larger flock of Lovebirds.

I lived in an apartment with my 7 birds and never had a noise complaint.

One thing though - you said you had the opportunity to buy an almost weaned female - would you wait for her to be weaned or would you bring her home early?

Sorry I was I would never buy an unweaned bird.

We did get the crimson bellied conure who is a little character!

And we adopted a 6 year old yellow naped amazon who is friendly and super talkative.

I still think about the Meyers and saw one brought in for boarding a few weeks ago at the bird shop near us. He was a little cutie! I'm thinking we'll enjoy what we have for now, but I didn't plan on the amazon and if the right bird came along that needed rehoming we'd consider it.

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