Sometimes Timneh decides she just doesn't have to go to bed tonight. Not sure if it's an extra long nap during the day or what but sometimes she won't take her bribe to go to bed. This time she got the treat and jumps right back on my hand and starts running up my arm. So after 10 minutes of the running up my arm game I gave up and walked my dog. She did go in for bed after awhile and another treat. Pulls at my heart strings she loves her daddy. I don't want to give in to much though cause she will try to push me around even more than she does. She's gotten better about stepping down back on to her cage but I need a treat most times. She tries really hard to get out of time outs, she'll flip upside down and hang on tight. It's like aaah what the heck. She is so cute, she'll stick her but in my face when she's on my shoulder so it's harder to get her to step up or hide in the middle of my back dangling from my shirt. Quite the character sorry for ranting, I just feel guilty sometimes when I'm too tired to stay up any later. Thanks for listening.