
Fox is banned cos unfortunately it isn't
Roz ibb that's fine, but I bet it looks great anyway
Fox is banned cos not really... even during clipping I saw uncorrected things...
Roz is banned cause ok. Well I know it can't be that bad
Fox is banned cos the next drawing prob will be bird related... but don't ask me when I'm gonna start making - I draw everything very slowly. I'm shocked how Tiki is able to make few good drawings during one day... but she is often bored, while I do other things
Roz is banned cause Tiki is amazing...but so are you!
Tiki is banned cause Lilla doesn't even like millet that much. She LOVES sunflower seeds, and nutriberries but not much more
Fox ibb tiki ownt go down a slide except if there is a whole ball of millet waiting for her
Tiki is banned cause Lilla just goes around the slide when there's a treat
Jasper seems to be catching on though, so she hopefully learns from him
Fox is banned cos none of my birds make any tricks
Tiki is banned cos I still don't understand why I get such things on Facebook...

Tikitiel, what did you do? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Tiki is banned cos what sign?
Tiki ibb I don't know what is "bdsp"
Roz ibb I'm pretty sure it means Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Tiki is banned cause YES

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