
Tiki ibb I wish julius liked scratches more oh well..
Bird is banned cos I was too slow in this or that game
Tiki is banned because I'm curious-what happened to Tango? (don't share unless you want to)
Tiki is banned cos I even had a question:mad:
Tiki ibb oki got it noted.
Tiki is banned because I hate when people say they "have a parakeet" and I ask what species
(IRN, linnie, canary winged, red rumped, quaker, budgie, bourke, conures, rosellas, turquoisine, yellow chevroned, plain, and SO MANY MORE)
Tiki ibb that is exactly what is gonna happen to Julius I'm already pretty sure of it anyways he always gets so sick.
Bird is banned cos Tiki is functioning at almost 12 yet, while I'm think so weak at almost 10 pm
Bird is banned cause I'm so sorry for both of you...
I am so thankful for my vet
fox ibb yeah your lucky JUlius has gotten sick really bad twice to the point I can hear him breathing weird.
Bird is banned cos I was editing Wikipedia for half hour... maybe it was too long :ROFLMAO:
Roz ibb Can you have a passion about hateing the place your bird came from?
ird ibb i remembered when tiki started wheezing..
i was so scared-
she is better then before but her eye(the left one ) is completley blind
no reaction at all
Tiki is banned cause I get very bored when you and Roz are sleeping and it's only like 4:00 pm for me
Fox ibb you can still chat with me I'm up usally untill like 9 CDT

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