
Tiki is banned cause too many ppl playing too many games
Tiki ibb Idk how i feel about macaws they should have just been left to be free in the wild like every other bird tbh
Bird is banned cause yeah, ig
Tiki is banned cos I've just corrected IUCN status of 9 bird species on Wikipedia and now I'm tired
Roz ibb Honestly If i could go back in time i would've figured out how to stop it somehow.
Bird is banned cause yeah
Fox ibb I'm dehydrated like usual imma go get some water brb.
Tiki is banned because Jasper bit me for no reason
Tiki is banned cos I'm not thinking correctly... everything because of Wikipedia :p
Roz is banned cause yes Tiki
Fox ibb was it a hard one? Or a warning
bird is banned because i want to be weird but at the same time i dont-
Tiki is banned cos I thought for a moment that "21:00" is 11 pm... lol
Tiki is banned cos when are you not weird?

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