
Bird is banned for being right
Fox ibb I'm always right. :cool: (not)
Bird is banned cause Jasper is being loud
fox ibb Julius and Petals are just chipping away like thieve been doing for the past 6 hours strait lol.
Tiki is banned cause I've seen that
Tiki ibb That woulden't work on Julius He's to onery lol.
bird ibb put it in rice
or ask a professinal to relace it for you
Bird is banned cause I'm the only one now who doesn't say "ibb"
Tiki ibb Oki got it I'll just call customer service and ask for Him to be muted.
Tiki ibb cool It worked now i have quiet birb.
Tiki ibb I kinda liked my loud bird Lemme call customer service back quick.
Bird is banned cause I don't mind loud birbs. If I did I would never have gotten a 'zon
Tiki ibb yeah there nice I hate silence its the most deafening noise.
Bird is banned because I don't mind a mess, noise, long lifespan, etc. that much. Although lifespan is one reason why I would never get a macaw, especially a young one.

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