
Bird is banned because it was a BAD break. Took me about $1K to get fixed

He was worth every penny
Bird is banned because yeah he's really floofy
Fox ibb I wish I had as many birds as you had lol THat would be awsome and loud at the same time.
Bird is banned cause yes! LOUD! But so awesome...
One day, I promise!
Bird is banned cause we need a list or something of conversation ideas
Fox ibb I can type one after I finish my paper.
Bird is banned cause until then we can talk about...
sniffing birds?
fox ibb yeah they do though!!!!!.... The other day Julius smelled like a musky rose kinda I don't know how to explain it but mm he smelled good.
Bird is banned because I've heard 'tiels smell like popcorn
Fox ibb that makes me hungry I love popcorn
Bird is banned cause Jasper just smells like walnuts lol
Fox ibb so your saying he ate one to many walnuts and he's turning into one lol?
Bird is banned cause he loves walnuts that much!
He's rolled in walnut crumbs more times than I can count...
Fox ibb thats a funny picture in my head an amazon rolling in walnut crumbs
Bird is banned cause he definitely hates the camera, but I'll try to get a photo next time he does it
Bird is banned because do your birds go on their backs? I'm guessing's not much of a budgie thing
Fox ibb because nope petals Is still terrified of hands after years of me trying legit everything. He is still afraid of my hands and Julius will let me kiss him on his back. But neither of them have ever showed any interest of trusting a human that much lol.

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