
Bird is banned cause I don't feel careful enough with Jasper. Even though he would never hurt another bird, especially under my watch, comes for a treat and is recall trained.
Fox ibb He sounds well behaved.
Bird is banned because he's a total angel with the other birds, but otherwise he is NOT well-behaved
Fox ibb I could say the exact same about Petals
Bird is banned for not showing photos of Petals
Fox ibb here's one Darn it nvm I'm on my pc one sec
Messenger Kids_creation_365724304.webp
there he is.
Bird is banned because ok
fox ibb Satisfied lol?
Bird is banned because YES :love:

Pinny boy
Fox ibb Honestly, I'm not a fan of my current vet but she's my only choice vet wise But I mean she can't even spell petals name right even though I told her how its spelled she thinks it's (Peddles).
Bird is banned because I'm lucky enough to have a great vet
Fox ibb Yeah but i live in a semi small state out in the middle of nowheres ville.
Bird is banned because driving from my area to Indianapolis for the vet takes a while...but at least I have a good vet
Fox ibb because lucky I've done my research I don't have an avian vet within atleast 2 states from me on every side.
Bird is banned because that sucks.
Fox ibb yep it sure is.
Bird is banned because what about emergencies? Has that ever happened?
Fox ibb yeah kinda one time Julius got his footsie stuck in the cage my vet was utterly useless and I kinda had to wing it while talking to an avian vet online.
Bird is banned because I'm so glad Julius is ok after that
Biggest emergency I ever had was Crick's broken leg, obviously
Fox ibb yeah I could see how fixing that yourself would be hard. I though julius might have broke something when that happened because he wouldent use it for a couple weeks. but he was fine after that but every onec and awhile he had that footsie tucked up for hours at a time and I wonder if it was broken.

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